The thing with the Anthologies are, they are in my opinion doing too many, too frequently. They will burn out on this very quickly, as will the consumers. There's only so many worthwhile box sets you can put out before you start scrounging. One box set every two months is not sustainable for very long. Unless they take a break this will go south. We've already seen the last two (likely) not sell out before they were pulled... And we're only on box 4 now.... I don't know how many they have planned for next year but if they keep up at this pace they will lose all semblance of being a "special" item and will just be another expensive monthly item, like the Woodstock box.
they aren't even "sets" imo. They are random collection of records bundled into a box. it amazes me how many bundles VMP has had sit in the store, but as soon as they supply a box to store them in and don't reveal what is inside people think they are special and over pay for them.