How does everyone feel about the people who tend to post quite a lot of pictures of jazz albums without any actual content about them on the FB group? I'm personally torn on it. I belong to a FB group called Jazz Vinyl Lovers run by Ken Micallef (who writes for various places such as Stereophile and the like, and has a great Youtube channel) where the only real objective is posting jazz vinyl album covers, but it tends to be full of great people who add info to their posts and create interesting discussion. So, in that case I have to say I'm in favor of it. On the Anthology FB group, I'm not sure it provides a good function most of the time, but it's not something I feel too strongly about. What made me actually post about it now is that I confirmed something I've been suspecting for a long time: that there is one user who frequently posts CD covers that he intentionally "disguises" so that it isn't readily apparent that's what they are. I've taken note of his posts that often seem to be a CD booklet taken out of the jewel case and cropped closely so that the telltale edges of the booklet are cut off, allowing it to be mistaken for possibly a vinyl album cover. Does this cross the line? Is this just very odd behavior? Why would someone frequently post CD covers on a FB group that is ostensibly a journey of learning about jazz and Blue Note in particular? What is the point?