Side note on MoFi, does anyone here have Miles Smiles? I’ve been playing some of his MoFi’s lately. I think it’s just the clarity picking it up, but is anyone else super annoyed with Miles’ trumpet sound? It’s almost out of phase on the top end. It’s kind of hard to explain but it’s especially evident on Orbits. It sounds like they had a simultaneous recording and tried to match up sound. I’m thinking it’s just different mics picking up the trumpet. Also, I think Wayne Shorter’s keys are sticky or something. They make a squeaky sound that just hurts my head. I think it sounds great and I’m sure those things are in the recording, I’ve just never noticed it before and now I can’t stop noticing it. Also, the stereo image is probably the widest I’ve ever heard on record. Herbie sounds like he’s two rooms over

Tony’s cymbals sound amazing though. I foolishly sold off my original stereo copy to buy the MoFi. I do have a mono copy but that’s a totally different animal.
Also, I kind of hate the MoFi Kind of Blue. The bass is too loud and boomy and my pressing is atrocious and I never noticed it before. Way off center on So What and riddled with pops and static even after cleaning

. I won’t listen to it much since I have four other copies, but the packaging is so nice and I paid a lot for it so that is quite disappointing.