someone with a reddit account ask about them selling this album not too long ago
What kind of turntable do you have in your car?I never picked up VF. Too many of the flute overtones are the exact same tone and pitch as my car's backup assist sound and it drives me nuts.
I am debating this exact same thing. I am downloading “Gospel Train” right now but I am going to keep essentials and R&HH.Definitely getting the Phoenix and OutKast albums. Both are incredible pieces. Swapping my classics for Fancy Free, though.
Booker is a good one, maybe my favorite Classic so far.Swapped this one for James Booker - looked at this one through the lens of "I've known about this album for 10 years, but never bought it", and figured I'd rather expand out my Classics backlog.
"The opportunity to do the 10th anniversary came up after we stopped selling in the store, and the opportunity to do this special version came up, and we took it. Sorry about that!"
Yeah, I don't buy that at all. They got it all arranged, planned, and pressed since February?
-Hinted that they were working on an ROTM of either Phoenix or Outkast for 2020...I would assume that means an Outkast album for Essentials
You can always cancel and get your money backI swapped Essentials and Classics for James Booker and Lightmen because I already have Gospel Train and I think Phoenix is average at best. I did keep the Outkast just because.
There are only 2 Classics still available that I want (Milton and Byrd) so I think once I get those I'm going to dial back and re-evaluate if I want to stay a member when mine is up in August. If anything I'll probably just keep the classics and drop the other two. I'm getting tired of VMPs shenanigans.
Other things learned from AMA:
-August is the one known Essentials new release for this year.
-Hinted that they were working on an ROTM of either Phoenix or Outkast for 2020...I would assume that means an Outkast album for Essentials.