Vinyl Me Please Essentials

Sorry about your turntable! Hope you're able to get it fixed soon. And yes, world events have been destabilizing lately.

The comments about John Mayer are tied to an interview he gave to playboy magazine in 2010 in which he made a lot of memorably terrible comments (and used the n-word).

I'm a bit dense with figuring out this shopify trick - where does that "_2" that you mentioned go?
Thank you, I'm sure I will. That sucks on the Playboy interview and pretty 'eyes blinking' on using the n-word. I'll have to read it but it's not exactly the type of thing someone can defend. Hadn't heard any of that but wouldn't have expected to when my only real interaction is listening through Spotify or CD.

Thanks for the insight, honestly hard to reconcile against someone willing to stand up and say trans rights are human rights. Usually the types to go blurting the n-word around have equally shitty views in those areas. Sucks as up until this news was probably going to be a comfortable 3 for 3 this month. Will have to see whether any remarkable swaptions show up!

As for the "_2", it goes after the "store" the times it's shown up:

"Here's this album"
"You're LYING this is FAKE"
"The link is legit though"
"Well that album is really shit, this sucks"
"Is it though"
"Well actually, this album isn't so bad"

...and “Your body is a wonderland” and “Daughters” there is lotsa awful there. Though he does have his defenders usually attempting to paint him as the 2nd coming of Stevie Ray Vaughn. I think he has rehabbed his image a bit with The Dead stuff, still this might be the most off putting ROTM IMO they have chosen since joining back in 2017.
I'm not a big Mayer fan, but he can play guitar with the best. That's why he's loved by some across genres.
to be fair this might ALSO be just stockholm syndrome and my OCD thinking "it needs to do 3 months because bone machine is totally coming soon"
Something about Continuum not being that bad so I have a pretence for this not being just about anime gifs.


cmon we can all just accept we are animu trash... still trying to binge like 6 series

but on the john mayer thing.. i dont like his falsetto on vultures, this sounds like maroon 5 and thats a bad thing
Yeah, he won me over on his guitar skills with Dead and Co. but it's so far from his solo stuff. I wish he would just break off from the pop stuff for once and give us some dirty, effects-laden blues instrumental tracks on an album.
For sure. It's why I'm not a fan. I typically don't like pop influence as it sort of make everything sound flat and less dynamic. For me, all the worst of others genres are the versions with heavy pop in them. It has a place though.