Go on, geezer.
This is the best advice to give someone who is starting a vinyl collection, and one I wish I would have taken to heart when I first started. I wasted so much money on records I didn't really like that much when I first started collecting under the idea that they were "essential" to have in your collection. Or just albums that other people told me were good and I believed them without stopping to think for myself.
I've made a major turnaround this year and last where I decided not to follow others curation or opinions and make my collection truly my own. I've started buying more weird stuff, more trashy pop, more things that others would scoff at me for owning but that I truly love and want to listen to. And that has made a huge difference in my outlook on the hobby. There was a period where I was becoming disillusioned and feeling like I was wasting my time collecting things, but that was because I was still too self-conscious and trying to conform to the tastes others told me I should have rather than what I knew I actually liked.
This more than anything has made me realize how little use I actually have for company-fuelled curation. Do VMP occasionally pick good albums for one of their tracks? Sure. But settling for whatever VMP has in the store will never make more happy than buying something I actually want to have. I ended my subscription to VMP for two reasons, 1) the whole forum drama and me feeling they don't value me as a customer, and 2) I fell on hard times around that same time, and the $80something a month was something I just couldn't afford or justify. And when I had the disposable income again, I realized there were better ways to spend my money than gambling on the hope that a record club will have something I want that month. I don't have a lot of money to spend on records as it is so why would I take the risk throwing money to VMP monthly when, in my time as a customer, they almost never actually had anything I wanted? I get others can comfortably spend that money and be fine, but that's not my situation, and so I feel more fulfilled by using the money I do have to buy records I know I want.
This is a fantastic post. I recently started going through our collection during my re-sleeving project and have already pulled quite a bit including some VMP releases.