Vinyl Me Please Essentials

Just cleaned and spun my Tribe. Sigh.

Packing is really nice, they didn’t try to “enhance” the iconic cover. Nice thick stoughton jacket. Records are flat, the only obtrusive noise I heard on disc 1 was in the lead-out groove.

Sadly side C is where things shit the bed. A bunch of small scratches out it the package (typical GZ fashion, the inner sleeve is poorly trimmed with paper scraps everywhere) cause some pops. Will be emailing CS and likely cancelling.

Mastering is pretty good. Very bass-forward, obviously that’s in the recording. Classic album of course, just wish they didn’t have to screw up every decent album they reissue.
Someone on Reddit asked CS about it and got this response:

I dunno, man. VMP works in mysterious ways.

They’ve been doing this for a while now though (ROTMs first, then store orders later in the month). But usually all your ROTMs ship in one package. I’ve only received shipping notice on 1 of 3 ROTMs (UGK) this month. Seems others are seeing the same thing this month.
God forbid they use better boxes and bubble wrap . No, just pay for multiple shipments in crappy boxes with no padding

lol. Yeah the Amazon mentality, ship it like crap, save the $, only replace if someone complains. Imagine how big the combined stack of defective or damaged crap VMP has shipped members over the years would be. Obviously a small dent in the global waste issue, but shouldn’t they be a little ashamed about shipping crap all over the world?
lol. Yeah the Amazon mentality, ship it like crap, save the $, only replace if someone complains. Imagine how big the combined stack of defective or damaged crap VMP has shipped members over the years would be. Obviously a small dent in the global waste issue, but shouldn’t they be a little ashamed about shipping crap all over the world?
This is why @Mather had to dig a 3rd sub basement, to house all his defective records.
My Phineas shipped with Aretha, at least that is what the email said. But shipping separately is so classic VMP.

Do you remember the days when they could only do one shipment and month so you’d get new release exclusives and RoTMs well after album release and everything came in huge cubes. Then they changed the website and everything seemed to come out only individually. They work in mysterious ways…
Just spun side one of ATCQ. It sounds very clean with some nice dynamics. I'm only on side one and the only bad thing I have to say is that it's a bit.... narrow. Like it almost sounds mono through the first few songs. Very very narrow stage. But I'm sure that will vary song to song. So far I'm impressed. Disc two does have a bit of a warp but it's not catastrophic. Nice package all in.
Just spun side one of ATCQ. It sounds very clean with some nice dynamics. I'm only on side one and the only bad thing I have to say is that it's a bit.... narrow. Like it almost sounds mono through the first few songs. Very very narrow stage. But I'm sure that will vary song to song. So far I'm impressed. Disc two does have a bit of a warp but it's not catastrophic. Nice package all in.
100% agree with this. For 45rpm I expected more soundstage width as well. Everything sounds pretty tight and crisp. I'm happy with it.
Just received my copy yesterday. Resubbed after 3+ years away. I laughed to myself when I saw they’re using the same flimsy mailers with one piece of tape. Luckily, my copy arrived flawless. Sound is pretty solid. Nice bottom end. Probably as good as a hip hop record from ‘91 can sound.

I have to say, the jacket is excellent. They really did a great job with it. Probably sticking around for Labcabin and dropping the sub again.


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