Well-Known Member
Yeah I think they’d find more people subscribing for longer if they had more voices involved in picking the AoTMs. There was a time when even I could pick one a month, it’s taken me 15 months to find three to resub for. They make some odd choices even within the artists they pick.
PS. Just looked add on for us is $36 which I’m guessing is the same you for you? I don’t know why that would be more?
PPS. Which is much cheaper than main track which last time was $163.59 for three months with the referral code discount. That’s almost $55 a record discounted.

Plus $36 for an add on track I think.
i was more open to take chances on stuff when the add on tracks were $23 or whatever. But I rarely do now unless it’s an album I really like. So im not unlike you except I like jazz so have a few more options haha. Some of the true store exclusives lately have been more my speed. The sly, Ninas, Elton, etc. so I’ve been fine with swapping for credit to pick up some of those when there isn’t a ROTM I want.