Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

More 4th albums from 2001 (according to Wikipedia), some more comical than others:

Warren G - The Return of the Regulator
Fat Joe - Jealous Ones Still Envy
Guru - Baldhead Slick and da Chick
Coolio - 👀
KRS-One - The Sneak Attack
Vanilla Ice - Bi-Polar <————wrap it up, boys, it’s gonna be this
More 4th albums from 2001 (according to Wikipedia), some more comical than others:

Warren G - The Return of the Regulator
Fat Joe - Jealous Ones Still Envy
Guru - Baldhead Slick and da Chick
Coolio - 👀
KRS-One - The Sneak Attack
Vanilla Ice - Bi-Polar <————wrap it up, boys, it’s gonna be this
I don’t want any of these albums to be the R&HH ROTM! These are all mediocre albums for me! 😝❌❌❌😝
Long Live was just recently readily available on Amazon and other sites. It comes back into stock a few times a year and it's not that hard to find. You can buy it new for $40 right now through an Amazon merchant and for under $40 new from Discogs.

$29 USD Says 1LP but the UPC matches up with the 2LP orange version.
Amazon in Canada doesnt seem to have it, and shipping from most US stores cost almost as much as the album in shipping. Then there's the exchange. But you did make me relook at this store in Toronto's site and I found out their search is really specific and it wouldn't come up unless you enter the album title exactly as it appears. They did have a copy and I ordered it so, thanks for making me double check.
Everything guessed thus far has been mediocre and not at all worth the price of admission. 2021 VMP RHH has thus far been one big dud.
I think the R&HH ROTM’s so far have been amazing this year! Killer Mike’s R.A.P. Music is a modern classic! Quasimodo’s second album is underrated and it’s a twisted album that intertwines futuristic and soulful production together and Eyedea & Abilities’ First Born is an underground classic! 🎯🎯🎯

I know everyone has their tastes, but I think the R&HH track in 2021 has been amazing so far! 😎👌
I think the R&HH ROTM’s so far have been amazing this year! Killer Mike’s R.A.P. Music is a modern classic! Quasimodo’s second album is underrated and it’s a twisted album that intertwines futuristic and soulful production together and Eyedea & Abilities’ First Born is an underground classic! 🎯🎯🎯

I know everyone has their tastes, but I think the R&HH track in 2021 has been amazing so far! 😎👌
I love your enthusiasm on these threads but everything can't be a classic. R.A.P. Music is not a classic, and the other 2 are, even by underground statuses, are above average offerings that are not close to being worth the VMP asking price. Even when all these albums were new they were nothing more than niche projects.

Well, somebody got one of the RHH picks right. If I recall, Storf doesn't pay any attention to N&G so he's probably only looking at guesses on Reddit and Twitter.
Not every album is going to be someone's cup of tea, it's all going to be pretty much subjective. People raved about Prince Paul and Lord Finesse, and while those may be great albums for some, I actually skipped on them. Saying "not worth the price" is up to the individual though, while a person may not enjoy a particular track, other's may and it's up to you at the end of the day to take the pick, swap or take the store credit (or cancel altogether).
I love your enthusiasm on these threads but everything can't be a classic. R.A.P. Music is not a classic, and the other 2 are, even by underground statuses, are above average offerings that are not close to being worth the VMP asking price. Even when all these albums were new they were nothing more than niche projects.
I would say that R.A.P. Music is closer to classic status now due to Killer Mike's subsequent career and was a fine choice. Agree that neither of the next two are Classics per se, but they are above average considering what the sub offered in the past, they're not bad at all.
the other 2 are, even by underground statuses, are above average offerings that are not close to being worth the VMP asking price. Even when all these albums were new they were nothing more than niche projects.

I think both albums are held in very high regard in underground circles. Eyedea & Abilities was well worth the price for people that wanted it too, original pressings go for around $115 on Discogs so it made it possible to get the album mint at a comparatively reasonable price. I won't fully defend the jacked up sub prices, but at least for that one it's justified.
I subscribe to the service for niche projects that I might have missed, are now expensive or hard to find, and deserve revisiting. I don't really care for months when they're readily available current or 80s main stream artists like Future, Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Run DMC or Queen Latifah. They're just not albums I'm personally reaching for but I understand there are people that love those too. IMO 2021 has been solid for all three months.
I mean...there are countless examples of albums that are now considered classic that didn't sell well or gain popularity upon release.
No there aren't. There may be a few of those examples, but R.A.P. Music isn't one of them. You won't find it on a single list of classic hip hop albums. The word classic gets thrown around far too easily and it cheapens the actual classics of the genre.
No there aren't. There may be a few of those examples, but R.A.P. Music isn't one of them. You won't find it on a single list of classic hip hop albums. The word classic gets thrown around far too easily and it cheapens the actual classics of the genre.
So no underground albums are classics? Literal definition means tons of people miss them. Someone thinking something is a classic that you don't has literally no impact on anything you like.

I think being an arbiter of what other people subjectively think are classics is ridiculous and I'm not sure why this criticism of the term was brought up because VMP has put out hardly any classics at all by my subjective measure. Not just this year.
I think being an arbiter of what other people subjectively think are classics is ridiculous and I'm not sure why this was brought up because VMP has put out hardly any classics at all by my subjective measure.
In that case the word classic is worthless and we can just call any and everything a classic off of our whims. You're right, VMP has put out very few classics, because that word should be reserved for actual classics like the De La records for example.