There needs to be a definite statement on what will be accepted and won't be concerning VMP and behavior toward people who want to say saying that is "I hate VMP."
Ok, look, I can't speak for anyone else obviously, but this right here is the problem I’m having with all of this.
By saying things like “there needs to be a definite statement”, you're making it sound like you're appealing to some employees at a business to release a statement, when this forum was basically started in opposition to that exact kind of mentality. We’re not running a company here, man. There doesn't have to be strict guidelines on what can be said where and who is allowed to respond to certain things.
I agree with the sentiment that people should not be attacked for their feelings about VMP. You're completely justified in getting upset if someone gives you shit purely because you're a member or not a member of VMP. But that doesn't seem to be what happened here, as others are trying to characterize it.
You posted a long report about your meeting with someone from VMP about the state of the company. Even further, you posted a status about it, inviting people who don't usually look at the forums about VMP (like me) to see what this is all about. And at this point, I’m confused about what exactly your motive was. You say you wanted to share the info with those who would be interested, without realizing someone can dislike VMP but still be interested in what you have to say. You seem to suggest that if you had done your report and only been met by posts from people saying “thanks for sharing”, then it would have all been fine. But this is a *discussion* thread. People come here to *discuss* what has been posted. And you seem to be of the mind that negative feedback to your report is coming solely from people coming at your neck just from the crime of daring to mention VMP.
There's a difference between trolls giving you hell just because and people genuinely responding and reacting to what you've posted. You can't make the decision that, if you don't like what they have to say about your post, their input is invalid. It is relevant that people say what they feel about VMP truthfully, and judging by the response to your report, many remain unconvinced that this meeting really means anything. That’s not an attack on you; that's a response to what you openly posted in a public forum.
Your request that you be told explicitly what you can and can't do on the forum makes no sense.
The threads for posting about VMP are for posting about VMP. That includes discussion of both the positive and negative aspects of VMP. If someone uses this very thread to complain and let others know about a delay or a consistent, prevalent defect in a product from their store, they are using it the way it is intended. If you are so worried about not knowing if what you are posting in a specific thread is “allowed” in that thread, then just create a new thread for it.
As many others have stated, this is nothing meant to offend or insult you. But you need to be willing to accept that not everyone has an overly optimistic view of VMP, and that what you posted was in some ways essentially a mouthpiece for VMP to project onto the forum, and if you can't see why that might not be 100% welcomed on this particular forum, then I'm not quite sure what else to say.