Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I've had to track down a $200 record that I shipped. The buyer wasn't even stressed out about it, but I was. It literally went from an "out for delivery" to nothing. They couldn't track it and this went on for a couple of weeks, minimum. I called USPS and a women was pissed off at me for contacting her, claiming that they had it at some other facility, and she was threatening to mail it back. Why not just deliver it if you still have it and never did. I called the other place she told me to and they said they didn't have it. It was a mess, but... somehow, we finally got it to him.
Phew. Selling anything expensive online is a headache...I sold my buddy’s copy of Captain Murphy - Duality to some guy on reddit. Asked him to double-check his address. He did and I sent it. A week later he hadn’t gotten it. Checked tracking and it was delivered to City Island somewhere which was his old address and he had somehow forgotten. The guy freaked out (I think I sold it for $300) and tried to blame me for it. It was a huge back and forth and such a headache. The guy had to go to City Island himself and knock on the person’s door to ask if they got it hah. Luckily they ended up getting it but it makes me a bit panicked to sell any expensive stuff online.
Phew. Selling anything expensive online is a headache...I sold my buddy’s copy of Captain Murphy - Duality to some guy on reddit. Asked him to double-check his address. He did and I sent it. A week later he hadn’t gotten it. Checked tracking and it was delivered to City Island somewhere which was his old address and he had somehow forgotten. The guy freaked out (I think I sold it for $300) and tried to blame me for it. It was a huge back and forth and such a headache. The guy had to go to City Island himself and knock on the person’s door to ask if they got it hah. Luckily they ended up getting it but it makes me a bit panicked to sell any expensive stuff online.

I hear you. I sold mine on ebay. I offered insurance, so, if someone chose not to take it, it's on them. Still, I've added it for free before, because of this type of fiasco.

This one time, however, I did send an album to someone and they did something similar to what you're telling me, except they did so knowingly. I watched the tracking and told them it said they tried to deliver it. He wasn't worried. This guy just kept slacking on actually getting his package so it bounced around the city and with the post office. He finally gets it weeks after he could have and tells me there's a crease or a corner ding or some bullshit. That's on you, buddy
VMP thread goers.. I don’t know where else to post this. Is there somewhere (within each thread is fine) where we can have running guess lists and front runners? I miss that from the other forum.

Also the "Vinyl me please Rap & HipHop" thread includes guessing what the RotM for Rap could be for the next month. I'm not sure if they have running guess lists, but if you crossread that thread, you get a good idea what direction the RotM could be going.
Anyone got any tips on getting a response from CS? Twitter comments didn't seem to get traction and I don't feel like being an Instagram troll. Never had a hard time getting in touch with a CS rep from any company, big or small, in less than 1 week. Completely unacceptable.
Anyone got any tips on getting a response from CS? Twitter comments didn't seem to get traction and I don't feel like being an Instagram troll. Never had a hard time getting in touch with a CS rep from any company, big or small, in less than 1 week. Completely unacceptable.
Welcome to the vmp experience...goodluck. I’m on 2 weeks and just keep getting automated responses
Welcome to the vmp experience...goodluck. I’m on 2 weeks and just keep getting automated responses
I've never had a problem as serious as this in the past (not getting an album shipped at all), but the other issues I've had have all been answered and addressed (with varying levels of my satisfaction) within a week.

Crazy that the most egregious issue I've had is the one that I can't get in touch with them at all on.

Good luck to you as well.
Anyone got any tips on getting a response from CS? Twitter comments didn't seem to get traction and I don't feel like being an Instagram troll. Never had a hard time getting in touch with a CS rep from any company, big or small, in less than 1 week. Completely unacceptable.

I finally got them to respond after sending me the wrong version of the Dirty Projectors Exclusive. I tried instagram messages and twitter comments, but it felt particularly dead-endish . i finally just began responding to their automatic emails. four days later they resolved everything so I'm not even confident that did anything.
I finally got them to respond after sending me the wrong version of the Dirty Projectors Exclusive. I tried instagram messages and twitter comments, but it felt particularly dead-endish . i finally just began responding to their automatic emails. four days later they resolved everything so I'm not even confident that did anything.
They're pretty good at encouraging me not to respond to their auto-emails by saying it will move me to the back of the queue. I still did it a couple of times anyway the first week, to no avail. It's insane how all over the place their response time is. Been over two weeks now.
yeah, my last package got lost by USPS, so USPS told me to file a claim and alert the shipper. I did that - no response from VMP for two weeks. Within that time my box moved from Chicago to Wisconsin to Iowa and back to Chicago and then appeared without warning. VMP never responded, so I wrote an email to close the ticket.

They then sent me a survey asking how they did.
They're pretty good at encouraging me not to respond to their auto-emails by saying it will move me to the back of the queue. I still did it a couple of times anyway the first week, to no avail. It's insane how all over the place their response time is. Been over two weeks now.

When the swapping disaster happened last month I had asked them to do a manual swap for me and got the auto- email response. I replied to that one asking the same thing again and finally had a response to this from Pauly like 5 days ago. Fortunately I was able to swap to the record I wanted by myself long before. So those replies to auto emails seem to get replied to, but it can take really long.
When the swapping disaster happened last month I had asked them to do a manual swap for me and got the auto- email response. I replied to that one asking the same thing again and finally had a response to this from Pauly like 5 days ago. Fortunately I was able to swap to the record I wanted by myself long before. So those replies to auto emails seem to get replied to, but it can take really long.
They actually responded to me promptly about the swapping issue and got that taken care of by the end of the week, even though that ticket went in after the other issue. They even swapped off menu for me. Unfortunately, IF they ship that one, it looks like it might get here before I get a response on why they never shipped last month.
Phew. Selling anything expensive online is a headache...I sold my buddy’s copy of Captain Murphy - Duality to some guy on reddit. Asked him to double-check his address. He did and I sent it. A week later he hadn’t gotten it. Checked tracking and it was delivered to City Island somewhere which was his old address and he had somehow forgotten. The guy freaked out (I think I sold it for $300) and tried to blame me for it. It was a huge back and forth and such a headache. The guy had to go to City Island himself and knock on the person’s door to ask if they got it hah. Luckily they ended up getting it but it makes me a bit panicked to sell any expensive stuff online.
I sold a Rolex online once. It was fairly nerve-wracking. But signature required plus a hell of a lot of insurance made the whole transaction easy like Sunday morning.