Joe Mac
Well-Known Member
I’m happy to give money to the artists and labels too, but then I have to pay on average a USD$20 shipping fee, and the $20 isn’t going to the artist, it’s going towards the shipping company. So that’s why I don’t support labels directly. I still do it occasionally (just purchased some stuff off from George Clanton recently even though shipping was a lot). But yeah, I don’t support labels directly due to shipping costs which is a shame.
That’s why nearly all my purchases are via Amazon and VMP because they do free shipping. Shipping determines a lot of the times what I ‘cannot’ buy.
Get out of bed, walk down the road into a record store, save yourself money on shipping and invest in a small business in the local community rather than a multinational tax avoiding vulture or a company that thinks that this community is worth less than the dirt or the sole of their shoes...
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