Active Member
I dislike r/vinyljerk but I also hate r/vinyl I think they are both terrible communities and r/VinylJerk was just a reaction all the crap posts on r/vinyl . I ended up unfollowing r/vinyl because I found it infuriating but r/vinyljerk is just smarmy shitposts. Also, mocking bad posts by making bad post as an attempt at parody still results in a bunch of terrible posts especially when there are only like 4 or 5 jokes that all posts hit on.
still it’s Reddit, I am sure there are way worse subs, I think r/redpill still exists after the recent purge. I am sure whatever sub that all the ex-r/the_donald husks are now clamoring to would probably be the worst.
i only follow r/vinyl because i'm obsessed with vinyl furniture.