Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Just got this reply regarding Weyes Blood:

Hi Mitchell,

Thanks for reaching out! Yes, the Weyes Blood will be shipped out separately. We were hoping to have them in time for the July shipment but unfortunately that didn't work out. They are currently in transit to our facility and should arrive by the end of the day Tuesday. At that point, we will begin shipping them out to customers. I sincerely apologize for the delay in all of this and really appreciate how patient and understanding everyone has been.

If you have any other questions in the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out!
I didn’t order Hatchie or Weyes Blood so I don’t necessarily have a dog in this fight but has anyone attempted to hard press them on the Weyes Blood release to see if they can get a refund AND the album from them in a similar fashion to the way they are handling the Hatchie snafu? It seems like a reasonable ask and I know the CS have been sticklers lately. This seem like you might have a winning argument.especially if you make a big enough stink. I mean this the Weyes Blood record came out like 4 months ago and many won’t have it until even later still. Seems like a reasonable request to me.
Do we even need reviewers anymore? It's not like they usually get the release earlier than the fans anymore. And it doesn't cost the general listener anything to check out everything they want ... so .... why do we need music reviewers at all anymore?

Yes. There is so much music released that we need trusted voices to cut through the noise and tell us what we should sample
The best piece of advice I got from a teacher in high school was to ALWAYS read what others were saying about a piece of work, whether it was literature, art, music, etc. What do they see/hear/think? Use all the information you gather to help form your own personal unique opinion. It’s educational. People who write about art either do it for a profession or out of passion and they nearly always write more eloquently than I could dream of. Sometimes a writer will put something into words which describes they exact way I feel about a piece of art but maybe didn’t have the words to describe it in that fashion. Reading is good and reading music critique will expand your general vocabulary, your vernacular, and your perspective.
I had like 7 records in my package, but I also got a lot of bubble wrap as well, which was a very welcome change. Records came undamaged and reasonably flat. A very very slight warp in my Mort Garson, but it's livable. Everything else was basically flawless.
Dang, complete opposite experience for me this month - five albums stuffed into the 1" mailer with no bubble wrap. All five with significant crushed corners. I asked for replacements - we'll see what they say...
Dang, complete opposite experience for me this month - five albums stuffed into the 1" mailer with no bubble wrap. All five with significant crushed corners. I asked for replacements - we'll see what they say...
Saddle Creek are not good at packing and shipping records, and that warehouse is in a location of the country that just gets too damn hot to store records among the many other things they store there. It's in the 90s right now. It's not a record-storage facility, it's a store-everything facility. As soon as some records get picked from a pile, and there's room for the unsold/unshipped records to lean on a shelf or in a box, in a hot warehouse, warping is gonna happen.

I'm surprised that people still buy records from VMP that ship outta that warehouse. It's too hot, records warp, and they aren't experts at shipping records. Now add in the wrinkle that VMP are toughening up on replacing records that are "slightly" warped and/or have corner damage, and you gotta ask yourself: why spend money on those records? I could almost understand it when they were replacing records with no questions asked essentially... but now?

I bought the VMP Blue Note Anthology because it was shipped by actual VMP employees and shipped from Denver. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that was a game-changer. The records arrived flat and with barely a corner ding. VMP records fulfilled outta Saddle Creek are an absolute no-fly zone for me.
Saddle Creek are not good at packing and shipping records, and that warehouse is in a location of the country that just gets too damn hot to store records among the many other things they store there. It's in the 90s right now. It's not a record-storage facility, it's a store-everything facility. As soon as some records get picked from a pile, and there's room for the unsold/unshipped records to lean on a shelf or in a box, in a hot warehouse, warping is gonna happen.

I'm surprised that people still buy records from VMP that ship outta that warehouse. It's too hot, records warp, and they aren't experts at shipping records. Now add in the wrinkle that VMP are toughening up on replacing records that are "slightly" warped and/or have corner damage, and you gotta ask yourself: why spend money on those records? I could almost understand it when they were replacing records with no questions asked essentially... but now?

I bought the VMP Blue Note Anthology because it was shipped by actual VMP employees and shipped from Denver. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that was a game-changer. The records arrived flat and with barely a corner ding. VMP records fulfilled outta Saddle Creek are an absolute no-fly zone for me.
Well, they agreed to replace the two worst crushes, and store credit for the other three. I'm satisfied with that resolution. It's been quite awhile since one of my shipments has been this badly packed and damaged, so still beating the odds relative to lots of folks on here. I can't disagree with any of what you said, though - Saddle Creek has long been an issue with them, and like you said, tightening up the damage policy is only going to make things more difficult.