Saddle Creek are not good at packing and shipping records, and that warehouse is in a location of the country that just gets too damn hot to store records among the many other things they store there. It's in the 90s right now. It's not a record-storage facility, it's a store-everything facility. As soon as some records get picked from a pile, and there's room for the unsold/unshipped records to lean on a shelf or in a box, in a hot warehouse, warping is gonna happen.
I'm surprised that people still buy records from VMP that ship outta that warehouse. It's too hot, records warp, and they aren't experts at shipping records. Now add in the wrinkle that VMP are toughening up on replacing records that are "slightly" warped and/or have corner damage, and you gotta ask yourself: why spend money on those records? I could almost understand it when they were replacing records with no questions asked essentially... but now?
I bought the VMP Blue Note Anthology because it was shipped by actual VMP employees and shipped from Denver. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that was a game-changer. The records arrived flat and with barely a corner ding. VMP records fulfilled outta Saddle Creek are an absolute no-fly zone for me.