Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

My June box (yes, June) arrived today, 4 records, bubble wrap around and in between them, sleeves are perfect, I haven't checked for warps yet.
Reading the comments here I am now worried about my July shipment (3 records).
Three is what I had too. I mean it makes since since they only have the two box sizes, and to fill the larger box you would need a lot of bubblewrap, but it's super lame that they would rather risk damage to records than absorb a little more cost on either 1) different sized boxes or 2) using a lot of bubblewrap to fill the larger box.
It's been my experience that you can order 1 or 6+ records and be safe. In between that and you're getting non-bubble wrapped crushed corners.

I received 1 record this week and it was not bubbled, but was OK because of how light the package was. Any more weight and the corners go to shit. The record did have a lot of space though so I'm lucky it didn't have any seam-splits.
I've never felt that bubble wrap helps at all. The best way to pack a record is to surround it with something stiff (like thicker cardboard) on both sides that is slightly bigger than it to protect the sides. Then tightly pack it. They shouldn't leave extra space, they should fill it with cardboard if they aren't using the adjustable size mailers. Then, best way is those boxes with extra crunch space on the edges (doesn't VMP use those?)

Bubble wrap lets it move more which I think encourages seam splits. Unfortunately the only way to totally prevent those is if you open the record and pack it outside the jacket/inner sleeve in a generic inner. I would definitely choose that option if VMP made it available.