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this is definitely a big issue I have trying to go back. while I don't demand political correctness from artists and I try to keep in mind the time period in which things came out, late 90s-early 2000s Eminem built most of his public persona on pissing off soccer moms and being a snotty white punk kid that tried to get a rise out of people. he's a technically gifted rapper but going back and listening to older songs removed from that context, it just all seems so unnecessary. plus, even as recent as 2018, he used a gay slur against Tyler, the Creator, so yeah, it's hard to defend him on that front.
I've learned to separate artists from their antics. If anything, I used to hate Kanye because I hated how self-absorbed he seemed, and I especially hated all his public antics. I gave his stuff a listen and I realized how truly messed up he was with his bipolar disorder, and started to appreciate his art. Eminem's slurs don't affect me I guess. The things he's saying are shitty, so I could see how some people actively avoid his music, but to me it's also part of the idea of "Slim Shady." The character of Slim Shady is almost like a Filthy Frank of music I guess, essentially trying to be the exact type of person you never should try to be. A character one should never aspire to be, an antagonist of society. The hits against Tyler were low and stupid, I agree, it's part of the reason I don't love Kamikaze, but there at least was some kind of thing I could attribute it to back in the 2000s when he did it.

Is it worth it? That's up to the listener. I mean, I like this album, so maybe he did something right 😐
I switched to a one-month (from a 3-month - cycle ended in June) to get Africa Brasil. Are you saying that if I drop VMP completely in the future, I wouldn’t be able to rejoin for just one month down the road?
I can't say for 100% certain but when you click join it only gives a 3, 6 and 12 month option.
I personally think that the thing which makes his music stand up and age well is the fact that it's still offensive and controversial to this day, possibly even more-so than it was originally.
I don't really get this take. You're saying it is good because it is offensive? Maybe I could see that if there was a point to it or a lesson behind it that is made clear, but I don't get it. Just shock for the hell of it at the expense of already marginalized people? I don't see how that is attractive. Shock at the expense of privileged people I can get behind I guess.
I've learned to separate artists from their antics. If anything, I used to hate Kanye because I hated how self-absorbed he seemed, and I especially hated all his public antics. I gave his stuff a listen and I realized how truly messed up he was with his bipolar disorder, and started to appreciate his art. Eminem's slurs don't affect me I guess. The things he's saying are shitty, so I could see how some people actively avoid his music, but to me it's also part of the idea of "Slim Shady." The character of Slim Shady is almost like a Filthy Frank of music I guess, essentially trying to be the exact type of person you never should try to be. A character one should never aspire to be, an antagonist of society. The hits against Tyler were low and stupid, I agree, it's part of the reason I don't love Kamikaze, but there at least was some kind of thing I could attribute it to back in the 2000s when he did it.

Is it worth it? That's up to the listener. I mean, I like this album, so maybe he did something right 😐
So I am actually much more pro “separate art from artist” than many people here. However in this specific case it’s the actual art I’m complaining about. I don’t want the f word blaring from my speakers.
I've learned to separate artists from their antics. If anything, I used to hate Kanye because I hated how self-absorbed he seemed, and I especially hated all his public antics. I gave his stuff a listen and I realized how truly messed up he was with his bipolar disorder, and started to appreciate his art. Eminem's slurs don't affect me I guess. The things he's saying are shitty, so I could see how some people actively avoid his music, but to me it's also part of the idea of "Slim Shady." The character of Slim Shady is almost like a Filthy Frank of music I guess, essentially trying to be the exact type of person you never should try to be. A character one should never aspire to be, an antagonist of society. The hits against Tyler were low and stupid, I agree, it's part of the reason I don't love Kamikaze, but there at least was some kind of thing I could attribute it to back in the 2000s when he did it.

Is it worth it? That's up to the listener. I mean, I like this album, so maybe he did something right 😐
I personally think that the thing which makes his music stand up and age well is the fact that it's still offensive and controversial to this day, possibly even more-so than it was originally.
I know there's some music I enjoy that has fairly questionable lyrical content, so it'd be hypocritical for me to criticize anyone for enjoying Eminem. as someone who liked his music in their younger days, I see the appeal. but there's nothing that hooks me back in these days. I don't enjoy those records like I once did and a lot of it has to do with how much he leans into the offensiveness. the cleverness of some lines is overshadowed by the blunt edginess of a lot of the rest of it. as i said, he's talented and has a place in hip-hop history but he deserves being taken to task for some of the shit in his catalogue.
Again, that's understandable. I'm gonna tap out because I somehow get the feeling I'm digging my own grave right now. 😳
Meh. If we start labeling art as acceptable or not there's a problem. You can say, "I don't like it." Or, "I don't agree with it." Or, "I won't sell it." Or, "I won't buy it," but art is supposed to live in a space where expression is free. I don't/won't listen to him, but he should be able to produce it and you should be able to listen.

Edit: I'll add that there are lots of artists of various kinds where I can fully appreciate their level of creativity and mastery, without agreeing with the message. It's art, not life. It's a version of life. No more. IMO

(re: justifying homophobia because "it was a different time")
if this is in reference to this
I don't demand political correctness from artists and I try to keep in mind the time period in which things came out
I definitely wasn't meaning to imply that I give things a "pass" because they're from a different time. just that context is sometimes important, because as this clip shows:

even otherwise smart artists weren't above their ignorant and disappointing moments.
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Meh. If we start labeling art as acceptable or not there's a problem. You can say, "I don't like it." Or, "I don't agree with it." Or, "I won't sell it." Or, "I won't buy it," but art is supposed to live in a space where expression is free. I don't/won't listen to him, but he should be able to produce it and you should be able to listen.

Edit: I'll add that there are lots of artists of various kinds where I can fully appreciate their level of creativity and mastery, without agreeing with the message. It's art, not life. It's a version of life. No more. IMO
The line between art and life has definitely blurred over time.

Take Trump, for instance. His latest racist/xenophobic Twitter rants feel like a ploy to rile people up, instead of something he may actually believe (though it makes things easier to believe that he as a person believes the shit he says). This was further cemented at his latest rally with his backers. You've got Donald Trump the President, and Donald Trump the real estate magnate. I don't like the guy, but does separating art and artist go beyond music and into our everyday lives?

Not that I'm calling what he does art, but someone else may view it as that. Art in the sense that he's creating something for a group of people that requires a certain angle to appreciate.

Eminem doesn't appear homophobic as a person, but if he was off leading anti-gay rallies and leading the KKK, I'd think differently about consuming his music. Just like I avoid staying at Trump properties and purchasing his products because I have difficulty separating whatever the hell it is that he is currently doing.
I don't really get this take. You're saying it is good because it is offensive? Maybe I could see that if there was a point to it or a lesson behind it that is made clear, but I don't get it. Just shock for the hell of it at the expense of already marginalized people? I don't see how that is attractive. Shock at the expense of privileged people I can get behind I guess.

That is why most people* regard ICP as the greatest group of all time.

*they don't.