Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

That would be a 100% mark up

50% mark up of $35 would be $52.50. so it's pretty much the non member price.
They don’t call ya MATHer for nothing.

That would be a 100% mark up

50% mark up of $35 would be $52.50. so it's pretty much the non member price.

I live in a country with a really high cost of living and 23% VAT and can walk into the expensive record store in the local shopping centre (I think you call them malls?) rather than having to go to the more reasonable and sound store in town that is my favourite and I can buy the indie exclusive for the same price as VMP are charging for the black on a “member special”
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I'm going to wait until Adele's album is out, you know they will press a gazillion of these,, the market will do it's thing, and I'll buy it months after release from finding a price I'm comfortable with from r/vinyldeals.
Looks like this one will be everywhere, including your local gas station. Fill'er up at Union 76 and a get Adele's 30 for free!!