Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Well it is US prices on gas, but my last fill up was between the member and non-member price for the Adele.

Yeah ours would be about double that. The oil price of the petrol would be a bit more regardless because the localish production is much lower but we also have VAT, really high duty and a carbon tax. On the positive though it tends to last longer because gas guzzlers aren’t so popular lol!
I imagine they will begin to show up today and over the weekend.

Amazon now has it listed for £29.99.
Rough Trade has the standard at £29.99 and the clear at £35.99.
Resident Records has the standard at £29.99 and the clear at £35.99
Banquet is the cheapest I have seen, with £26.99 for the standard and £33.30 for the clear.

Of course, theres postage to be added to Rough Trade, Resident and Banquet unless you are picking it up in-store, which adds a bit.

As an FYI, im not actually looking to get a copy, I was just staggered by the fact that £30+ is now becoming the norm for a new release.
This was exactly my thoughts on my original post. It wasn't so much that VMP was charging 50% markup (free shipping blah blah) but moreso that a standard black of a 2 LP album that will have no less then 17 zillion copies pressed is priced at $35+ USD and £30+ respectively. And you know this is gunna be GZ, and you know they'll have fucked it up. I think this is where the bubble bursts.
Yeah I think our typical is 95 and the premium stuff is 97/98.
Not to perpetuate the detour from the thread topic, but you’re not discussing like for like - there are different octane testing standards in the US vs the EU. Here’s an Economist article if truly interested:

For those wondering about the album art change for Claudia Thompson:

This is a 1958, early stereo marvel of a vocal jazz record. The woman has a smooth and smoky voice that created a lot of mystery over the years. It has a darkness and sort of sadness to it too. But no one knew anything about Claudia beyond the original cover photo (below) and the somewhat sterile liners.
Goodbye to Love (2016 cover)
We reissued it in 2016. A few years after that, a person posted a story online about someone buying a bunch of film negatives at Salvation Army and wanting to find the subject of those images. It even got national news coverage. It turned out that those photos were the outtakes from the original Edison International Claudia Thompson - Goodbye to Love album cover photoshoot (but wait it gets better).

That same year, an individual purchased an original copy of the Claudia Thompson album that had an autographed photo inside. It was an 8x10 of Claudia who in reality is a woman of color and not the white woman on the cover. It turns out, in with the original negatives were essentially alternates of the cover art with the real Claudia Thompson on the cover! We’ve updated the cover to correct the white-washing of 1958, finally putting Claudia’s photo on her own album.

This is from the Sundazed newsletter. That's why the album art changed! Pretty cool.
That's awesome and I think I remember about those photo negatives being rediscovered, now that I think about it. This is definitely an instance where I would much rather have the new album cover instead of trying to replicate the original as closely as possible.

Edit: I was hoping I could find the link where I think I saw some of those rediscovered photos but am striking out. I recall it being some bloggy site as opposed to a standard news outlet and I don't think a connection to Claudia Thompson and that album had been made at that point. It was more along the lines of "look at these gorgeous, haunting photos discovered randomly at a thrift store." But then again, there's probably a lot of those kinds of articles out there...
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That's awesome and I think I remember about those photo negatives being rediscovered, now that I think about it. This is definitely an instance where I would much rather have the new album cover instead of trying to replicate the original as closely as possible.

Edit: I was hoping I could find the link where I think I saw some of those rediscovered photos but am striking out. I recall it being some bloggy site as opposed to a standard news outlet and I don't think a connection to Claudia Thompson and that album had been made at that point. It was more along the lines of "look at these gorgeous, haunting photos discovered randomly at a thrift store." But then again, there's probably a lot of those kinds of articles out there...
Pretty neat Google doc chronicling it all: findthegirlsonthenegatives

Looks like the newsletter is a touch inaccurate in that the search to #findthegirlsonthenegatives preceded the reissue in 2015. Given that, it's a bit surprising that it took the internet five years to connect the dots. Thanks for sharing, @MikeH!
With all the talk of the Claudia Thompson I'm kind of surprised that it's still in stock.

Theres 'only' 500 copies which I would have expected to sell out really. Its the kind of album that I can see having a lot of discussions on Instagram amongst the people that I follow (as Gábor Szabó and Dorothy Ashby did). Maybe they aren't aware of it yet.
With all the talk of the Claudia Thompson I'm kind of surprised that it's still in stock.

Theres 'only' 500 copies which I would have expected to sell out really. Its the kind of album that I can see having a lot of discussions on Instagram amongst the people that I follow (as Gábor Szabó and Dorothy Ashby did). Maybe they aren't aware of it yet.
Shhhh, I’m waiting for my next paycheck to pull the trigger

Edit: goddamnit nevermind, I grabbed one
With all the talk of the Claudia Thompson I'm kind of surprised that it's still in stock.

Theres 'only' 500 copies which I would have expected to sell out really. Its the kind of album that I can see having a lot of discussions on Instagram amongst the people that I follow (as Gábor Szabó and Dorothy Ashby did). Maybe they aren't aware of it yet.
I’m surprised it’s in stock too. can’t figure it out. It’s an AAA KG cut that’s not really available anywhere else. And it’s a solid listen. I think it’s gonna be one of those titles that people will really want later.