Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)


$200....for a comp of mainly non-RUN DMC tracks???

Did someone slip something into my coffee?

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What the holy fuck is this shit? You could just like, buy all those albums for cheaper (sarcasm but this is insane).

Curate and design limited edition vinyl​

12on12 is a music brand, living at the intersection of Music, Fashion, Art and Pop Culture. Drawing on decades of experience in product ideation and creative execution, 12on12 is positioned to own an unequivocal place in the modern vinyl marketplace."

This is a bunch of hipsters thinking lets make something limited and charge a fortune for it. The sad thing is people will fall for it & discogs prices are likely high. This should cost no more than £25 new

I feel like mailing Gearbox and asking them why they are involved.

There is no other way of describing this other than:


$200....for a comp of mainly non-RUN DMC tracks???

Did someone slip something into my coffee?

View attachment 118667
Oh, my bad guys.

Ignore my initial shock, I didn't realise it came with a beanie.

Curate and design limited edition vinyl​

12on12 is a music brand, living at the intersection of Music, Fashion, Art and Pop Culture. Drawing on decades of experience in product ideation and creative execution, 12on12 is positioned to own an unequivocal place in the modern vinyl marketplace."

This is a bunch of hipsters thinking lets make something limited and charge a fortune for it. The sad thing is people will fall for it & discogs prices are likely high. This should cost no more than £25 new

I feel like mailing Gearbox and asking them why they are involved.

There is no other way of describing this other than:

This is obnoxious. Truly.
Look, you Philistines wouldn't understand art if it came up and snatched your totally reasonably priced beanie and not particularly limited $200 Aerosmith record that's pressed at Optimal. Now if you'll excuse me I'll just be over here soaking in the product ideation and creative execution of this new cultural zeitgeist.

I'm just clowning, fuck these guys from here to their "unequivocal place".
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Sweet Zombie Jeebuz, that takes hutzpah. Not sure if I should applaud them or get rid of all my records on Kijiji for free and walk away from this stupid hobby.
It's obvious we're not the target market for this crap. My hopes is that nobody buys this overpriced shit and this company burns itself to the ground sitting on $200+ shitty compilation albums.
I think that might be the first best of list I've seen without any Classics.

I slept on the Strokes, thought it would hold out another month.
Yeah, classics didn't really do it for me this past year. Partly why I am canceling. I did get a few and liked them enough, but they weren't really highlights for me.