Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I was gonna point to the Saint Laurent x Travis Scott collab as the first shark jump, but it looks like 12on12 were behind that too
I was gonna point to the Saint Laurent x Travis Scott collab as the first shark jump, but it looks like 12on12 were behind that too
Wait, does $700 get you front row seats at the next Astroworld festival because that would be....*checks notes*....shit...
here’s a question: has anyone ever tried to rejoin with a record (any record) and immediately swap it for the store credits? I want absolutely nothing for for $52 but I’d get a membership for a month or two to buy some not-too-unreasonably priced exclusives
"Dumb pricing" for this is not a VMP exclusive thing it seems.

I honestly wonder who is buying this? Super limited run or not, it's not even a great concept.

VMP subscribers of course, not y'all, but the majority, those that know no better, who believe that a subscription to VMP is where its 'all' at when it comes to collecting and finding great music on vinyl.
VMP subscribers of course, not y'all, but the majority, those that know no better, who believe that a subscription to VMP is where its 'all' at when it comes to collecting and finding great music on vinyl.
I haven't seen one person yet here and on reddit (where most store drops no matter how ridiculous have a ton of people saying they copped it) wanting to touch this with a 10 foot pole. The general sentiment around this is "lol". I'd honestly be surprised if this ever sells out. Such an ill-advised idea.
16 copies as of Wed, Nov 24 @ 2:44pm. Imma check back tomorrow and see if ANYONE has actually bought this.

EDIT: Second try it said 18 but gave me an error when I tried to double check.

Looks like 19 at least is the magic number between success and error.

Sigh, I guess I don't know how to accurately check stock on this one.
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I agree, but if it is going sell to anyone, its in the right place to do so.
Yeah, there are two groups people will buys this; the first is the rich and ignorant, the second are people buying it as an investment. There is plenty of overlap between these two groups. These are the same schmohawks that get really hyped about NTF’s and Crypto. This is for all the wannabes who look up to the guys on the internet that brag about buying blocks of raw tungsten as a flex or a one of a kind Wu-Tang record. They aren’t to that level of dumb wastefulness but that is what they strive for and what a better way than to pull a needlessly expensive $200 record off your shelf.
12on12 is a music brand, living at the intersection of Music, Fashion, Art and Pop Culture. Drawing on decades of experience in product ideation and creative execution, 12on12 is positioned to own an unequivocal place in the modern vinyl marketplace."

oh lol tell me you've never worked for a real label without telling me you've never worked for a real label

Has this shipped yet? Thinking about getting it with store credit and wondering how it sounds.
It's the same as the standard release. It's not actually an exclusive.

I was juts getting intrigued in the different pressing plants used. Is there anyway to tell an RTI, from a Pallas, from an MPO, from a Record Industry.

Apparently the VMP one is pressed at Furnace.

That's at least 5 pressing plants, someone said RKS mastered 20 different lacquers 1/2 million records pressed. seems like pot luck which one you would get.

TBH I'm sure they are all good, but would really want a Pallas or RTI pressing myself. (maybe furnace)
I was juts getting intrigued in the different pressing plants used. Is there anyway to tell an RTI, from a Pallas, from an MPO, from a Record Industry.

Apparently the VMP one is pressed at Furnace.

That's at least 5 pressing plants, someone said RKS mastered 20 different lacquers 1/2 million records pressed. seems like pot luck which one you would get.

TBH I'm sure they are all good, but would really want a Pallas or RTI pressing myself. (maybe furnace)
Haha jesus christ seriously?? The rumors were true, they did use every pressing plant on earth hahaha. There are ways but you'd have to have the discs in your hands to be able to tell. Unless they can specify from the retailer who is stocked with what pressing. I'm sure the bar codes are likely the same so unless there's specific hype stickers then it would just be the runouts that would tell them apart I would expect.
Haha jesus christ seriously?? The rumors were true, they did use every pressing plant on earth hahaha. There are ways but you'd have to have the discs in your hands to be able to tell. Unless they can specify from the retailer who is stocked with what pressing. I'm sure the bar codes are likely the same so unless there's specific hype stickers then it would just be the runouts that would tell them apart I would expect.

I think you're right, the only way is really the runout themselves. With the exception of VMP all the other releases seem to have multiple pressing plants. As far as I know there is nothing on the packaging to distinguish them. Same barcodes etc.

I suspect specific retailers might have the same pressing plants but no way of confirming that. I was hoping VMP would be RTI

edit - not that I've even listened to the album yet, just got sucked into the madness of how to find a decent pressing :)
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