Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Their curated nonexclusive store seems to growing and growing after being discontinued a while back. The White Stripes s/t and the new Aldous Harding standard pressings are in the store this week, joining Prince from last week.
So, here's a fun exercise for y'all. My membership is set to expire at the end of the month, but I have ~$150 in Store credit. My plan was to use the credit on the Impulse anthology, but I'm doubtful it will be up for pre-order by then, and my backup (Philly International Anthology) is now sold out, so...

How would you spend $150 in Credits?
Main Rule: No GZ pressed picks allowed.
Preferences: My tastes run towards Jazz and Soul (and I have all the Classics I want), and In stock titles preferred as I just want to be done with VMP.
keep the credits for the impulse box set. if you purchased a previous anthology, you'll get the same price as the member pricing anyway.
Time for my monthly "Who else is waiting for their box to ship?" post.

There's only one record for me this month -- swapped for Hub of Hubbard. I wonder if everyone at the warehouse is home sick with omicron.
Time for my monthly "Who else is waiting for their box to ship?" post.

There's only one record for me this month -- swapped for Hub of Hubbard. I wonder if everyone at the warehouse is home sick with omicron.
I got notice yesterday that my Irma Thomas shipped. I did not get any ROTMs or swaps this month (I swapped for credit).

First one was awesome. Wasn't feeling the second. Out of the three songs off this one out I think I'm only digging one, but could be good.
Time for my monthly "Who else is waiting for their box to ship?" post.

There's only one record for me this month -- swapped for Hub of Hubbard. I wonder if everyone at the warehouse is home sick with omicron.

I got my notice on the 6th but it isn't supposed to be delivered until the 18th. I only have Iris heading my way though.
Dropping Floyd's piper? Wtf. Is this a hard to find version or something? 33$ for a 50 year old mono record that has had a million presses seems.....a bit much
Dropping Floyd's piper? Wtf. Is this a hard to find version or something? 33$ for a 50 year old mono record that has had a million presses seems.....a bit much
It's being released everywhere. It is the 2018 master from the RSD release back then. Price is normal once you factor in free shipping.
It's being released everywhere. It is the 2018 master from the RSD release back then. Price is normal once you factor in free shipping.
Hmmm. Worth getting? It's one of the few floyd I'm missing (division bell and momentary lapse being the other 2).