Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

A little over 200 copies of Jack White left, and I'm on the fence. Should I have any doubt this'll be solid? I didn't love Fear of the Dawn but know this is a different vibe.
FOMO intensifies...

Do I have a member pick me up a copy for ~ $38 with tax and media mail shipping, or am I good with the indie variant I can pick up locally for ~ $25 next month...
Just got an email that something I've waitlisted will be available in swaps.

Is it Tical...finally?

Update: Can't figure it out. May be Blazing Arrow which I've already swapped for a couple of months back.
That's funny. I said the opposite to a coworker when I got the email.
You wish LESS companies would do this?

It's not even about having deceased parents for me. This is great for people who have tried and tried and cannot have kids, yet everything around them is people talking about their offspring, or asking "why don't you have kids?". One less annoying reminder of what can be viewed as personal failures.
You wish LESS companies would do this?

It's not even about having deceased parents for me. This is great for people who have tried and tried and cannot have kids, yet everything around them is people talking about their offspring, or asking "why don't you have kids?". One less annoying reminder of what can be viewed as personal failures.
I wish no companies would do it. I'm not a fan.
You wish LESS companies would do this?

It's not even about having deceased parents for me. This is great for people who have tried and tried and cannot have kids, yet everything around them is people talking about their offspring, or asking "why don't you have kids?". One less annoying reminder of what can be viewed as personal failures.
It's also nice for people with really bad/toxic relationships with their parents. It's actually a really great idea to offer an opt out option, and I gotta give VMP kudos for thinking of this.
What I'm getting at I guess is that there's multiple reasons, including those posted here why hearing the noise around mother's and father's day is pretty shitty for some for a good combined month out of the year, I'm curious as to why some people would think that giving the ability to opt out of at least hearing about it from one place would be a bad idea.
Can I ask why?
Sure. And I don't mean anything controversial nor is it a hill I'd die on. More just a reflection of my overall attitudes about the modern self and how we treat it as a culture. I dislike the rounding of corners and I see this as an example. I have the same attitude about trigger warnings or yelling down opinions we don't agree with.

Again, not a big deal with me. If it brings someone an easier day then, sure, it doesn't cause me any trouble (not a fan of people seeing most interactions as zero sums, either - thanks, Trump!). Still, my opinion stands even when I know the world doesn't operate based on my opinions.

I only commented because I thought it was funny that I literally said the opposite to a coworker moments prior. Not in any way to convince anyone of my stance. I imagine I'm in a minority.
Sure. And I don't mean anything controversial nor is it a hill I'd die on. More just a reflection of my overall attitudes about the modern self and how we treat it as a culture. I dislike the rounding of corners and I see this as an example. I have the same attitude about trigger warnings or yelling down opinions we don't agree with.

Again, not a big deal with me. If it brings someone an easier day then, sure, it doesn't cause me any trouble (not a fan of people seeing most interactions as zero sums, either - thanks, Trump!). Still, my opinion stands even when I know the world doesn't operate based on my opinions.

I only commented because I thought it was funny that I literally said the opposite to a coworker moments prior. Not in any way to convince anyone of my stance. I imagine I'm in a minority.
I mean, that's fine and you're certainly entitled to your opinion and I respect where you're coming from.

For me, it's small things like this that give me hope that we're advancing ever so slightly as a society and becoming more inclusive in some respects (yes, I know there's a whole other subset of individuals that loathe this fact). It's at least acknowledging the fact that there are some circumstances where someone is fucking absolutely blasted with "parenthood" without consideration for past and current experiences, that I appreciate.