Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

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Looks like they restocked 500, and it’s now close to 400 left. My guess is it won’t last long, especially with the email blast. One of my personal favorite VMP releases.
I would like to know which, if any, ROTM's they can't repress!! I'm all for them keeping all the ROTM'S in stock, I was surprised when I first started that they went out of stock!!
I have no real information, but it’s looking like the GZ is one of the main criteria. The only classics they’ve repressed have been pressed there previously. It’s also pretty Hip Hop heavy. I do think it should be a goal to be able to keep ROTMs in stock once they have their own pressing plant.
Anybody else waiting on their store credit after resubscribing on the deal? Already emailed info@ but was curious if anyone else hadn’t gotten the credits.
My 6 month sub is up at the end of the month, due to renew on 9/1. If I let it lapse, will I be offered the deal? Or do you need to be un-subbed for a certain length of time?
My 6 month sub is up at the end of the month, due to renew on 9/1. If I let it lapse, will I be offered the deal? Or do you need to be un-subbed for a certain length of time?
I think you can always let it lapse and see what happens, but my guess is this is kind of a one time deal. I’m really hoping they’ll do something for existing subscribers. They could probably hold onto subscribers for longer even by just offering some of their ROTMs that are >1 year old for every X months subscribed. I’d take Kevin Morby if it was free.
they gave this exclusive a video and everything (and i dunno if its limited so no real FOMO). but it almost feels like this would have been a planned classics released they just weren't allowed to do