Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Unrelated it's interesting for the "if you liked" artists for death grips are...

Clipping, totally can see it at least for the very beginning with stuff like wriggle or CLPPNG but since splendor & misery they've been doing their own unique horror movie like raps
Swans, which I totally get in terms of being artsy but heavy and praised by fantano but swans are much more patience testing (multiple over 2 hour long album), less of an immediate id factor in favour of a more hypnotic nightmare.. maybe if we were talking about government plates
And SpaceGhostPurrp, which maybe I'm not seeing right but his artsy old school Memphis sound (or chopped and screwed mixtape veneno.. or that one DJ mix which was his old songs made in Miami speed rap) don't really fit with death grips