Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I know at this point, no one's changing any minds on this board. But I want to say I'm happy for Storf and excited to see what he has cooking.
Any of my past complaints about VMP were never because of him, and I honestly think he's genuinely good guy who REALLY REALLY loves music (and obviously has some strong opinions, but who doesnt).
Plus I will always be thankful to him for bring VMP Country to life. That and Classics are consistently my favorite tracks, plus I generally love Anthology, so not going to complain at all about him having his hand in the rest of the output.
I know at this point, no one's changing any minds on this board. But I want to say I'm happy for Storf and excited to see what he has cooking.
Any of my past complaints about VMP were never because of him, and I honestly think he's genuinely good guy who REALLY REALLY loves music (and obviously has some strong opinions, but who doesnt).
Plus I will always be thankful to him for bring VMP Country to life. That and Classics are consistently my favorite tracks, plus I generally love Anthology, so not going to complain at all about him having his hand in the rest of the output.
Well said. He loves music just as much as we all do. That bodes well for the future.
looks like todays sale is live but not announced. Your typical discounts on past ROTMs with a few store titles sprinkled in. Nothing really pulling at me but a few recent releases less than the price of a sub.
Paul said this in the Discord:

"Its off during this sale, but when the sale ends, that promo returns"
In regard to this, if you have one of two titles you were thinking about, just pull the trigger now. However, if you’re looking at 3 1LP ROTMs, they all need to be $26 or less to be a better deal than the $25 off $100, so you’d be better off just waiting if you’re a member.
In regard to this, if you have one of two titles you were thinking about, just pull the trigger now. However, if you’re looking at 3 1LP ROTMs, they all need to be $26 or less to be a better deal than the $25 off $100, so you’d be better off just waiting if you’re a member.
Anyone remember what the member price was for Shotgun Willie and Folsom Prison before this? Trying to figure out if I should wait or not.