Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

If only they would do like Bandbox and give me a credit for what I paid for my membership versus what everyone else paid. While I enjoy VMP country, their way of doing things is backassward.
For the first time in awhile I am tempted to rejoin, and the 150 bucks store credit for the one year membership is pretty sweet. And it seems they have put out some really great records in the past several months in all four subs. Something is still holding me back, and when I see the CS issues cited here I remember part of why I haven't rejoined. But for 399 for the year, plus 150 in store credit that is basically four or five free records for rejoining. I have to consider it....pretty sure I'm doing this or Secretly Society.
Said they were planning to make this a rolling offer through the year, I am calling bullshit on that one. If that was the case, then why not just lower the damn subscription price. The fact that they just blew me off, kinda pisses me off. But as my friend used to be say, better to be pissed off than pissed on.
No email, but I logged into my account (lapsed sub, not currently a member) and I get the offer.

Rejoin with a September Record of the Month or any past in-stock ROTM.
Rejoin for 3 months, get $25 in Store Credit
Rejoin for 6 months, get $60 in Store Credit
Rejoin for 12 months, get $150 in Store Credit

Offer ends at 11:59pm MT on 8/31. As a reactivated member, you'll receive an email on September 2nd when Store Credit has been added to your account. This is a limited-time offer and not guaranteed for future reactivations. 1 Month terms are not eligible for this offer.
Said they were planning to make this a rolling offer through the year, I am calling bullshit on that one. If that was the case, then why not just lower the damn subscription price. The fact that they just blew me off, kinda pisses me off. But as my friend used to be say, better to be pissed off than pissed on.

Depends who's doing the pissing...
Said they were planning to make this a rolling offer through the year, I am calling bullshit on that one. If that was the case, then why not just lower the damn subscription price. The fact that they just blew me off, kinda pisses me off. But as my friend used to be say, better to be pissed off than pissed on.
This. I think they got out over their skis with the price increase, flourished through COVID when this hobby blew up and now that "inflation" has hit, people are probably pulling back on what is a complete luxury and they are trying to course correct to try and not just bleed subs.
This. I think they got out over their skis with the price increase, flourished through COVID when this hobby blew up and now that "inflation" has hit, people are probably pulling back on what is a complete luxury and they are trying to course correct to try and not just bleed subs.
Seems like a plausible theory. Growing pains are tough. I hope they can keep the wheels on through their factory construction and can settle on a price point for subscriptions that is sustainable, especially once they have more control over their supply chain.
Seems like a plausible theory. Growing pains are tough. I hope they can keep the wheels on through their factory construction and can settle on a price point for subscriptions that is sustainable, especially once they have more control over their supply chain.
You don't think the assholes that shut down the forum and are clearly beholden to venture capital are going to cut the price of a sub, do you?
Even on a slow day, I can have a three way
Chat with two women at one time
I'm so much cooler online
Yeah I'm cooler online
Hey, I'm so much cooler online
Yeah I'm cooler online
(Yeah he's cooler online)
Hey, I'm cooler online
(oh, yeah he's cooler online)
yeah, I'm sitting online
Hey, I'm so much cooler online
(Yeah he's cooler, yeah)
Oh yeah
When the Paisley record came out I worked on a playlist of best songs of the year with a couple of other people. One of them snuck a couple of Paisley songs on to the list at one point, and me and the non Paisley fan just evicirated the songs. They were so SO bad.

Anyway, this is a great example of why when I read the news of who is now in charge of all of the VMP selections that I was like, "Cool, cool cool, glad I don't have an active account."
Hold up, not all country lyrics are terrible. For instance...

My dinner's on fire while she watches TV
And if you've ever wondered what it's like to be me
She takes all my money and leaves me no smokes
Yells at my buddies and insults my folks
I'm breakin' my back doin' the best that I can
She's got time for the dog and none for her man
And I'm no dope, but I can't cope
So hit the fuckin' road and piss up a rope

You can piss up a rope
And you can put on your shoes, hit the road get truckin'
Pack your bag, I don't need the ag
On your knees you big, booty bitch start suckin'
You ride my ass like a horse in a saddle
Now you're up shits creek with a turd for a paddle
And I can't cope piss up a rope