Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Yeah The Waylon record is fantastic. It's an excellent selection regardless but this Paisley record is really not great.

When the Paisley record came out I worked on a playlist of best songs of the year with a couple of other people. One of them snuck a couple of Paisley songs on to the list at one point, and me and the non Paisley fan just evicirated the songs. They were so SO bad.

Anyway, this is a great example of why when I read the news of who is now in charge of all of the VMP selections that I was like, "Cool, cool cool, glad I don't have an active account."
Pretty sure Paisley writes quite a few of his songs as satire, like a country Father John Misty. Obviously, many lyrics haven’t aged well, but I’m pretty sure he’s in on the joke. And/or he’s so rich he doesn’t care.

Can you give an example of a FJM song that you feel is satire in the same vein as this?

I'm just having trouble thinking of one, but people say things like this about FJM a lot, so I'm curious.
Can you give an example of a FJM song that you feel is satire in the same vein as this?

I'm just having trouble thinking of one, but people say things like this about FJM a lot, so I'm curious.
Yeah, FJM's persona is a bit satirical as in he plays up kind of a 1970s LA singer songwriter and his musical style tends to reflect that and while many of his songs are hilarious it is usually due more to his biting wit, self loathing, and cynicism. I wouldn't say he often enters into the satirical realm in song outside of maybe his newest album where he had the bonus track of David Lynch as singing monkey, Jack Cruz, cover one of the tracks.
While we're at it, how about Ágætis Byrjun? Do you have a stack of those under your bed? Trying to hit the $100 mark to save the extra $25 and that fits in nicely (Note: I already have this copy of it so looking for an upgrade)

it is a delight and wonderful in every way.
Yeah, FJM's persona is a bit satirical as in he plays up kind of a 1970s LA singer songwriter and his musical style tends to reflect that and while many of his songs are hilarious it is usually due more to his biting wit, self loathing, and cynicism. I wouldn't say he often enters into the satirical realm in song outside of maybe his newest album where he had the bonus track of David Lynch as singing monkey, Jack Cruz, cover one of the tracks.

Yah I didn't pay the extra $50 or whatever for the two non FJM songs.

I find FJMs wit and cynicism to lead to pretty profound and moving moments. Like when the laugh track kicks in. That shit grabs me.
Can you give an example of a FJM song that you feel is satire in the same vein as this?

I'm just having trouble thinking of one, but people say things like this about FJM a lot, so I'm curious.

Hmm...that's probably a bad comparison on my part as FJM and Paisley are quite different, with FJM being quite sly and pointed with his songs, while Paisley is, obviously, quite reductive.

@TenderLovingKiller® typed it more eloquently than I can, but I would say Tillman's FJM persona is more satire than the lyrics of his songs. At least circa the Pure Comedy album (2017). I think that turned a lot of folks off his music due to that (I know it did for me) and he's kind of disappeared from the public eye since.
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Ágætis Byrjun

Ágætis Byrjun


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Room On Fire

Room On Fire


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Discount- $60.70$60.70 off total order price
TotalUSD $16.61

I 'm pretty happy with this...$16.61 after using my $60 credit for rejoining.

Thanks for reminding me that VMP gave me nothing for rejoining. I sure could use $60 in credit at the VMP Store. Glad you a got a good deal though.
Thanks for reminding me that VMP gave me nothing for rejoining. I sure could use $60 in credit at the VMP Store. Glad you a got a good deal though.
Yeah, that somehow a narrow slice of subscribers (those whose subscription expired in July?) get the preferential coaxing to rejoin, while the rest of us who keep their business running the rest of the year only get offered to pay full-price, is annoying.
Yeah, that somehow a narrow slice of subscribers (those whose subscription expired in July?) get the preferential coaxing to rejoin, while the rest of us who keep their business running the rest of the year only get offered to pay full-price, is annoying.
My subscription ended over a year ago. I just heard about the deal and emailed them to see if it was open to me and they said yes. Sorry that annoys you. 🤷🏻‍♂️