Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)





this much jesus is not going to get spun in my house on the regular, i'm skipping this.
I might take a shot on it if it was $100 cheaper but that's never going to happen!

I always thought that boxsets priced records cheaper than if you bought them all separately, is this just a VMP thing or is it the case across the board? I don't normally buy boxsets but the few I have worked out cheaper than buying individually.
I might take a shot on it if it was $100 cheaper but that's never going to happen!

I always thought that boxsets priced records cheaper than if you bought them all separately, is this just a VMP thing or is it the case across the board? I don't normally buy boxsets but the few I have worked out cheaper than buying individually.

It's a VMP thing - they claim the 'bonus' material like the podcast justifies a higher price. Since most of the anthologies continue to sell well, they must be right in their assessment of what to charge.

Since there isn't anything special added for this gospel box, I guess Jesus told them to price gouge.

I love Isbell, but am I the only one who's starting to get Springsteen vibes from him?
Both the good (Amazing Songwriter, killer band) and the not so good (a little self-righteous, acts like a "man of the people" while charging his fans an awful lot).
I love Isbell, but am I the only one who's starting to get Springsteen vibes from him?
Both the good (Amazing Songwriter, killer band) and the not so good (a little self-righteous, acts like a "man of the people" while charging his fans an awful lot).
I think those things are sometimes interrelated at least from a songwriting standpoint. Especially given the types of songs he writes.
I think those things are sometimes interrelated at least from a songwriting standpoint. Especially given the types of songs he writes.

I suppose that's true. If you write in the specific, especially about blue collar stories, even if you're a great songwriter it starts to seem a little condescending when folks know that's no longer the songwriter's experience.
I suppose that's true. If you write in the specific, especially about blue collar stories, even if you're a great songwriter it starts to seem a little condescending when folks know that's no longer the songwriter's experience.
Agreed. Ideally you’d want some authenticity within your life experience to be able to come from a place of authority but the more successful you become the less authenticity you retain. The good ones can walk the the line though.
Seems like he charges market rate?
Probably. I mean $200 Isbell tickets seem downright affordable compared to $7k Beyonce tickets.

Agreed. Ideally you’d want some authenticity within your life experience to be able to come from a place of authority but the more successful you become the less authenticity you retain. The good ones can walk the the line though.

100%. And I think he does it as well as anybody, hence the Springsteen comp.