Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

RE: the 8 free albums, I can see the $21 per item being worth it, although the QC issues always give me pause.

There are definitely 8 that I could pick from that list that I don't have, since I have not been a member for some time and have only picked up a few through other methods (swap, friend who works for VMP, etc).
RE: the 8 free albums, I can see the $21 per item being worth it, although the QC issues always give me pause.

There are definitely 8 that I could pick from that list that I don't have, since I have not been a member for some time and have only picked up a few through other methods (swap, friend who works for VMP, etc).
At least with QC they take care of ya if there’s something wrong. At worst you’d probably be able to pick a new album out or get credit if there are issues.
Better, maybe. I’d be interested to hear an AAA RKS cut of it. Those mono Miles cuts are really excellent and I think they are AAA? You’re probably right on price though. It was $40 through MoFi and that’s probably what the Anthology titles will work out to
I think the big thing is who at that price point doesn’t already have most of what will be in a Miles box? Almost all of his major albums have audiophile releases and they will definitely repeat several of the available mofis
I think the big thing is who at that price point doesn’t already have most of what will be in a Miles box? Almost all of his major albums have audiophile releases and they will definitely repeat several of the available mofis
Well most of the MoFis weren’t available at MSRP until the recent represses and quite a few are sold out. This set probably isn’t for me or you but there are definitely people who only have one or two Miles releases in good quality that will buy this. And the MoFis aren’t AAA so you’ll have the people who want to compare.

People said the same thing about the Grateful Dead box and they sold 2500 of those.
I wouldn't mind a better pressing or kind of blue since I never went audiophile there. But I have mofi sketches, silent way, and bitches brew so this box will be interesting
