Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Also, this whole "get 8 extra records for the year sub" looks good. Is it worth going back again?
Probably if you have not been a member for a while it would be a good way to catch up on some previous ROTM. But because you have to pick all 8 right now, you are at the mercy of what VMP puts in the “bargain bin”.

My feeling is if you have to spend money to save money, then that is not really a deal. Unless you were already close to signing up for a year already.
Probably if you have not been a member for a while it would be a good way to catch up on some previous ROTM. But because you have to pick all 8 right now, you are at the mercy of what VMP puts in the “bargain bin”.

My feeling is if you have to spend money to save money, then that is not really a deal. Unless you were already close to signing up for a year already.

I'd probably wait to see what are the AotM for the 3 next months. If you are in for at least one track per month AND haven't been a member for a while, I'd say it's worth it. I am considering subscribing back depending on what are the next 3 aotm.

EDIT : FYI here are some of main guesses for the next three months (shared by @yukbon)

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That's a pretty good haul! I think I'm getting one free record tomorrow for a 3 month subscription in January and I'll probably sign up for another 6 months in April for another 3 records.
Check the fine print, I thought I saw that you can only get the offer one time (I could be wrong though)
Check the fine print, I thought I saw that you can only get the offer one time (I could be wrong though)
What I read was anyone who has signed up in 2023 already will get a code and then if you extend or add a membership before May you would get another one
