Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

For sure - more than half even, but mostly budget-type reissues:
  • Mingus - Superior Viaduct did one that's okay at best (nowhere near their great version of Black Saint)
  • Szabo - LITA did a decent version. I think it's a Rainbo pressing, but my copy sounds fine
  • Mel Brown - recent Verve reissue done at Third Man
  • Karma - Chad did this one, I assume it's a good one
  • Alice - recent Verve reissue done at Third Man
Mingus could use a good reissue. That album rules. Karma is pretty good although not the usual AS/AP quality. Could be because of Chad's insistence on using tape. Pretty sure VMP did one side of that digital because they were told the tape was too thrashed to be used properly.

I personally think the VBR series is bogus. Ptah felt lifeless to me. Didn't get Mel Brown but others in the series were consistently worse than other reissues on both CD and vinyl that I A/Bed.

I'm probably gonna sit out on this one just because I simply don't love all the records in the set, but I bet Africa/Brass will be really good and would be interested in hearing their cut of Ptah. Interestingly RKS cut these AND also cut the VBR series. Think he actually cut the VMPs before the VBR. Would be curious to see if he had different digital sources or what different choices he made for the VMP box.
I think the Mondo news is very cool. More cool artwork and packaging is always cool. The price for a single disk VMP Mondo designed package likely being something around $85 will be less cool.
Yea--I think this could make the art prints much better for ROTMs as a start. Mondo always had cool art and packaging but their pressings usually were pretty mid to bad. And I bet they bring a lot of the good artists from Mondo over since many seemed disillusioned by Funko's strategy after they bought Mondo. This COULD be a good partnership with VMP...getting people like RKS to cut their records.

Seems like they plan to do a bunch of soundtracks in the style of Mondo, a ROTM track, maybe some posters instead of art prints on occasion....lots of possibilities.
He was my first contact with the VMP community. I added Irma Thomas to Discogs before receiving it so he did what he could to have my entry removed and them messaged me telling me "per rule blah blah blah you can't do that". I was like, ok whatever. Do it yourself when you have it. I then found the forum and when I read one of his post for the first time I knew it was the same person.

I never engaged any conversation with him but he was one of the most active forumer. I think he was not enjoying records after all and fell in a hole he couldn't see himself out. It was complete FOMO.

I have clear memories of him taking it personally and having a pop if I ever asked for represses of things. Like it’d dilute his special once off limited thing. Whereas I just wanted to enjoy a cool pressing of some music I liked lol.

Yeah it totally was. But it never felt about the music with him. It was all about having some complete set of a thing and with a growing company with expanding company lines that just becomes a bit much. He had the entire hip hop line and hated hip hop!

I don’t like to throw FOMO around too much because we all fell for it in those days with them to some degree. The amount of their releases that I’ve sold since are testament to that lol!
Did he actually sell off his collection though? I remember him offering it for some ridiculous price and saying local pickup only, and then getting annoyed when people asked if he'd sell individual records.

It was definitely an odd situation. I remember him getting super annoyed anytime VMP pressed something he didn't like, like it was their fault 😂
Yeah, he was only willing to sell it all-inclusive, and I don't think he found a willing buyer.

If he had stuck with it, his VMP collection alone would be well north of 1300...
Yeah, he was only willing to sell it all-inclusive, and I don't think he found a willing buyer.

If he had stuck with it, his VMP collection alone would be well north of 1300...
Because that's literally insane.
Already you've narrowed your market to a wealthy person with enough cash on hand to buy a halfway decent car, but they to narrow it further to a music collector in your general vicinity?

Commit that dude.
Because that's literally insane.
Already you've narrowed your market to a wealthy person with enough cash on hand to buy a halfway decent car, but they to narrow it further to a music collector in your general vicinity?

Commit that dude.
I recall him also being a completist of other ROTM clubs...Secretly, Magnolia, and I'm sure there were others...
I recall him also being a completist of other ROTM clubs...Secretly, Magnolia, and I'm sure there were others...
I remember just before he left the forum he decided he wanted to try David Bowie. So he bought the first 4 Bowie box sets in one fell swoop. Which is at least 50 discs. I have to commend anyone for that blasé commitment to money.

Tbh he was always fair enough to me, like lots of collectors I think he had a place on the spectrum and could take things very literally, but there was no harm in him ever.
I remember just before he left the forum he decided he wanted to try David Bowie. So he bought the first 4 Bowie box sets in one fell swoop. Which is at least 50 discs. I have to commend anyone for that blasé commitment to money.

Tbh he was always fair enough to me, like lots of collectors I think he had a place on the spectrum and could take things very literally, but there was no harm in him ever.
This reminds me, saw this in my local the other day.
