Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)


VMP has the most obscure exclusives man. The amount of albums I listen to or comb through every week is already pretty extensive in terms of range from popular acts to underground acts but I have never once seen any of these bands pop up on my radar.

It’s nice because I get to discover even more music but not nice cause there’s never anything immediately tempting
VMP has the most obscure exclusives man. The amount of albums I listen to or comb through every week is already pretty extensive in terms of range from popular acts to underground acts but I have never once seen any of these bands pop up on my radar.

It’s nice because I get to discover even more music but not nice cause there’s never anything immediately tempting
My 12 month sub expires end of this month and one of the reasons I'm not renewing is that, despite having >$100 in store credit all year from swapping for credit because the ROTMs have gone downhill, I also can't find any store exclusives I want. In the past 12 month I have only bought 5 store exclusives.
VMP has the most obscure exclusives man. The amount of albums I listen to or comb through every week is already pretty extensive in terms of range from popular acts to underground acts but I have never once seen any of these bands pop up on my radar.

It’s nice because I get to discover even more music but not nice cause there’s never anything immediately tempting
It's nice because I usually safely ignore it, because if I'm walking into a record store I'm spending way too much money without giving VMP money for overpriced exclusives.

Ignorance is bliss.
My 12 month sub expires end of this month and one of the reasons I'm not renewing is that, despite having >$100 in store credit all year from swapping for credit because the ROTMs have gone downhill, I also can't find any store exclusives I want. In the past 12 month I have only bought 5 store exclusives.
I'd much rather buy the albums I want online or from a record store then spend $40 on the ROTMs plus whatever the store drops costs on things that have I zero interest in owning. The last ROTMs I was actually excited about was the doors and bella donna. The last store drop I could honestly say I was interested in was Giving the World Away by Hatchie but I got the Secretly membership version which honestly was a better value for me as I joined for three months and I got two other albums I was interested in owning as well.

I saw this one on the Real Gone website a few days back and have been meaning to check it out. I definitely love the title, and it seems like the kind of weirdness I'd be into. But definitely an odd choice for an exclusive.
I'm not sure. I only looked a couple days ago because I forgot it was a 45, remembering that made my disappointment immediately evaporate.

The standard pressing seems a little tight with the number of songs for a single LP, so I was kind of curious about them spreading it out on to two LPs. But I had a hard time pulling the trigger with it being from the new plant and all and the price. But now that it's furnace....
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How much do y'all think VMP loses on all these exclusives that just sit untouched? Or do they actually do quite well on exclusives?
How much do y'all think VMP loses on all these exclusives that just sit untouched? Or do they actually do quite well on exclusives?
I assume that they make enough money off of them on the front end or we would see reductions in quantities and selection. This is not a low profit business. Also, they outsource their warehousing anyhow so I don't imagine it hurts their cost until they reach a new threshold which I am sure they offset with sales and renew or join today to get x amount of records.

I actually imagine that the profits are tighter on the ROTM because of their exclusivity desires. I imagine that Sturgill and even Madlib were tests of the water to see what it looks like when it isn't truly exclusive from a catalog title standpoint to look at banking on anniversary tagalongs in the future to reduce those costs.
I actually imagine that the profits are tighter on the ROTM because of their exclusivity desires.
This is basically why they can't do 3LPs as ROTM -- they have to stay within the cost of the monthly sub (e.g. "this month's ROTM is a 3LP so we're charging 70 instead of 50" is a straight no-go). So anything that's more than a 2LP is limited to a store exclusive/drop.
That's what I was leaning. Locked it in just in case I forget. I've got another copy of Stankonia anyway and Shades of Blue seems relatively easy to come by.
Just seeing this, but I believe that Shades of Blue will be on sale this weekend for HH50 and Stankonia will be on sale next week or the week after. You should end up with a code in your email to order. I'm planning on getting Shades of Blue this weekend.