Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

My guess is there is an algorithm based on what has a lot of dead stock sitting in the warehouse. Could just as easily been Kris Kristofferson or Sleater Kinney (just 2 random ROTM that popped into my head)
I seem to remember getting an email from them a few days ago that said the Nicks was “back in stock”. Lol. Still happy with my very clean og i bought for $5

How does VMP work these days? I'd like to get that Sampha exclusive. Is it possible to join and then immediately swap for it or do I have to wait a month.

Would it be better to buy it for the non-member price and pay shipping?
How does VMP work these days? I'd like to get that Sampha exclusive. Is it possible to join and then immediately swap for it or do I have to wait a month.

Would it be better to buy it for the non-member price and pay shipping?
I’d pay the non-member price plus shipping unless you have another reason to be a member. It won’t be in swaps until it has been released and likely not until the full next month after that. You can join during sign ups, swap for credit and then get that; however, you won’t get the credit until the beginning of next month.
I got my Santigold today, and the accompanying promo flier says that all in-stock titles are 20% off this month with code SEPT20. One use per customer, but counts for Anthology boxes according to the fine print.
yep! came here to post this. 20% off everything in stock i believe including anthologies. haven't tried it on presale anthologies yet but i assume it won't count.