Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Following up on this, when I put a regular album in the cart, the “alternative payment methods” arrow is in the cart for me to select store credit.

I have $80 in credit That I’m trying to use to buy a box set. If I remove the regular album and add the box to my cart, the “alternative payment methods” arrow is not there.
Well, no idea there.
That gets the Vanguard box to $129. And bizarrely it looks like it’ll ship with my next RoTM shipment so no international postage.

It’s a bit niche for sure but at that price it’s an absolute bargain

did they just jack the price of this up? i swear it was down to below $200 earlier in the week.
Is there some trick to using store credit at checkout? There’s supposed to be a slider but I don’t see it.

It's either/or with the discount code and store credit. Due to the way Shopify is set up, it won't let you do both (also: you have to buy anthologies separate from regular store purchases for dumb reasons or else it won't let you check out).

Your best bet is to apply the discount code, and then reach out to CS to ask that they apply the store credit and refund you the difference.
So I’ve been enjoying Waylon and am curious about the box set, I have the Waylon exclusive that came out a while back but how is the collection of albums in the anthology? Wonder how easy some of these are to find in the wild
did they just jack the price of this up? i swear it was down to below $200 earlier in the week.

No idea. I know the full non-members price has about 20 bucks knocked off it but $130 shipped is cheap enough for me to have a wild swing at. That's more or less 100 Brexit dollars. Plus I'm not likely to get smashed for customs if they do ship with my monthly.
Afro-Harping is definitely the most exciting title for me in the Cadet set too.
I remember streaming it when they first announced it and thinking it was ace. But I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve tried from that box so I reckon it’ll see some good use.

Kinda stuff that makes me realise I really need to up my old fashioned cocktail mixing game as I reckon it’s the perfect accompaniment to getting absolutely faced on whisky