Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

But there were only 40 copies left.

Storf is such a lying sack of hype crap.

And they’re all in swaps. You can’t buy the anthology right now, it’s waitlisted on the site.
Y'know, I really could use a third one of those...
There’d have been loads of people who went balls out crazy trying to get that when it first hit swaps just because it’s an anthology….

… then they realised they’d been hooked by one of the worst ideas ever to be brainstormed in the VMP Coke Barn and promptly tried to palm them off on their locals
There’d have been loads of people who went balls out crazy trying to get that when it first hit swaps just because it’s an anthology….

… then they realised they’d been hooked by one of the worst ideas ever to be brainstormed in the VMP Coke Barn and promptly tried to palm them off on their locals
I think you just found the new name for VMP’s podcast: What’s Cookin’ in the Coke Barn
There’d have been loads of people who went balls out crazy trying to get that when it first hit swaps just because it’s an anthology….

… then they realised they’d been hooked by one of the worst ideas ever to be brainstormed in the VMP Coke Barn and promptly tried to palm them off on their locals

I haven't even tried to pawn any off at the local. Have toyed with giving one away as a prize next time I host a poetry, variety or burlesque show... but that's a rarity rather than a regular occurrence these days.
There’d have been loads of people who went balls out crazy trying to get that when it first hit swaps just because it’s an anthology….

… then they realised they’d been hooked by one of the worst ideas ever to be brainstormed in the VMP Coke Barn and promptly tried to palm them off on their locals
They included some dumb shit on it, but it's still a decent set and as my only comedy album on wax I would have bought it for the $36 at my local too. That said, I do get why most people do not need or want it in their collections.