Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

No, they pushed it back to September. (Before it auto went in stock in July?). I don’t know. Guy is real salty about it. Pulling up estimate timelines from GZ demanding answers that it couldn’t have possibly happened this week and claiming they were never ordered. Lol

I mean I'm a bit choked I don't have it yet, but I also don't have high expectations for them being expedient in correcting an issue.
No, they pushed it back to September. (Before it auto went in stock in July?). I don’t know. Guy is real salty about it. Pulling up estimate timelines from GZ demanding answers that it couldn’t have possibly happened this week and claiming they were never ordered. Lol
my favorite part was when he said he's not a lawyer but pretty sure that changing the preorder date on him was illegal lol