Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

For annual subs, pretax, we’re looking at $44 a record. $4 more than Rhino High Fidelity and annual IVC. It’s common to see new releases at record stores at $40, and even Target/Walmart are rolling out $40-45 new releases. It’s not terrible just looking at that angle. Feels like they adjusted it higher so they won’t need another increase in 2025.

It will come down to curation, and it likely always has for most members. Certainly not going to take a chance on records at $44+ unless that’s immaterial to your vinyl budget.
Looking back over all this, and I will say I am surprised they haven’t just pulled the plug at this point, but the turning point with all this seems to be the Record Plant, right? They were likely not in great health financially prior to the Record Plant, so they decided to throw a Hail Mary and build their own plant to hopefully cut out a big expenditure but they didn’t have enough capital to invest in plant to actually get the plant going and was instead of a savior it became a money pit that they chose to abandon. Now they are in the red and just keep cutting out chunks of the business in hopes that it will reverse their fortunes but they are bleeding out.

I just don’t see a path back to profitability. Even going back to them at their beginnings the potential for growth is now gone. There is no room for growth and in the late stage capitalism world we live in you grow or you die. My guess is they couldn’t find a buyer so they are just gonna keep going until the money is all gone.