Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I can’t believe this is a real service.
I can believe nearly anything imaginable is a real service these days however I can't believe an ostensibly audiophile music company would partner with a service that is designed around the idea that your music is to be collected solely for its monetary value and that it should never actually be listened to in order to retain that. It's fucking gross.
I can believe nearly anything imaginable is a real service these days however I can't believe an ostensibly audiophile music company would partner with a service that is designed around the idea that your music is to be collected solely for its monetary value and that it should never actually be listened to in order to retain that. It's fucking gross.
People collect for different reasons. There are Swifties out there the will never spin their albums and some of those albums go for hundreds of dollars.

People have comics slabbed that they will never be able to read and Pokemon cards that they will never be able to play.

I personally would likely never use it but let’s say you are a Beatles collector and pay like $2,000 for a perfect first state Butcher cover, chances are you aren’t going to be spinning that copy anyways. Even if you are a vinyl audiophile, what makes it collectible is the cover moreso than the actual music.