Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Almost certainly the case, but (and it's crazy to me that VMP don't seem to understand this)...
  • almost everything in that flash sale has been available previously at 40% off of a lower list price so it's bonkers to think that a 35% sale is going to create some sort of feeding frenzy that will save the business.
  • Hundreds (thousands even?) of people are sat on unused store credit and so would have seen the sale as an opportunity to use this up. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the sale ended up costing them money as it generates orders paid for with credit which they then have to pay real cash to ship. I placed an order in the sale using my remaining credit, so they made nothing from my order, I'm an active international member so they're going to have to pay what $20-30 to ship that order to me, that's all loss, and there will have been many others like me.
  • Who on earth is throwing good money after bad at this point?!
the thing about the flash sale, is that many people actually used the last of their credit to buy that stuff. so i imagine that the cash injection really isn't all that high.
i don't think @RHANDMJ has ever said i'm right before! :ROFLMAO: so it truly must be the end of times!
Well after 3 tries and 3 weeks I did finally get a refund response from Jessica for my remaining two orders. I'm not sure if she's human or not, but it's something. We shall see if it actually goes through.
i think she is a real human. she helped someone here/on the discord with a request and they kindly asked her to check on applying credit to my order and she did. then promptly emailed me to let me know it was taken care of.

Melody would have cancelled my entire order.
Old member of the previous forum who sometime lurks here and been watching this all go down with interest. Sad how inevitable its been to see, but when they were good, it was great (IMO).

Two questions:

1) I haven't ordered anything in over a year, but still had an open order for the Fela box set. I just emailed to try and cancel (I don't believe its ever coming). Is it still just the info address to email, or is there a different one now?

2) Who was the cheerleader fan from back in the day who got gifted a lifetime free membership? Does he still have it, and hows he holding up?
Old member of the previous forum who sometime lurks here and been watching this all go down with interest. Sad how inevitable its been to see, but when they were good, it was great (IMO).

Two questions:

1) I haven't ordered anything in over a year, but still had an open order for the Fela box set. I just emailed to try and cancel (I don't believe its ever coming). Is it still just the info address to email, or is there a different one now?

2) Who was the cheerleader fan from back in the day who got gifted a lifetime free membership? Does he still have it, and hows he holding up?
I think the best way is to email through the link on the website. Little question mark button. Lower right corner. Just include your order number in the request.

Yeah that's Nathan from Australia, all international memberships got cancelled about 10 months ago so I suspect his did as well. I think he is somewhat active on the Discord but like most early members he kinda fell off the bandwagon a while ago...
I think the best way is to email through the link on the website. Little question mark button. Lower right corner. Just include your order number in the request.

Yeah that's Nathan from Australia, all international memberships got cancelled about 10 months ago so I suspect his did as well. I think he is somewhat active on the Discord but like most early members he kinda fell off the bandwagon a while ago...
Thanks for this, will try that way now.

If I manage the get the refund, I think my final purchase will have been the Impulse box set. Which feels kinda apt - a holy grail from the early days that got so massively delayed that by the time it arrived it felt too late in the life cycle of the company and just came and went…