Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

It’s crazy. And just so on brand. There was clear communication that they would include the whole album. They don’t have a CS anymore to hand out sympathy credits, so they’ll have to deal with chargebacks now.
VMP clearly taped them together according to multiple people who only got 1 LP of a 2LP set. I vaguely remember Pauly saying that they taped them when they took them out of storage. All the ones I have seen have tape on the sleeve that's been cut. but completely on brand that the communication was never made. maybe they will hand out credit or refunds but that's if you can even get a hold of CS these days...
VMP clearly taped them together according to multiple people who only got 1 LP of a 2LP set. I vaguely remember Pauly saying that they taped them when they took them out of storage. All the ones I have seen have tape on the sleeve that's been cut. but completely on brand that the communication was never made. maybe they will hand out credit or refunds but that's if you can even get a hold of CS these days...
I mean there is a reason I get crap from Amazon all the time that says “Sold as set. Do not open.”
it's almost entirely plausible with as bad as they are/were with inventory management even when they had actual employees that they oversold these and instead of doing refunds, they just had Saddle Creek split bundles so they could meet the demand they already took money for

it's also entirely plausible that they no longer pay for any type of decent fulfillment from Saddle Creek and are basically on the "glorified drop shipper" package
Well got my final VMP delivery today and in classic fashion they couldn't even get the test pressings right with their logistics. Atmosphere is 2 LP and I only got one LP. Dorothy Ashby I got two versions of Side A/B. Disappointing and completely on-brand. :ROFLMAO:

While it kind of sucks you also got a dupe, at least it’s a banger like Afro-Harping that you should have zero problem flipping.
it's almost entirely plausible with as bad as they are/were with inventory management even when they had actual employees that they oversold these and instead of doing refunds, they just had Saddle Creek split bundles so they could meet the demand they already took money for

it's also entirely plausible that they no longer pay for any type of decent fulfillment from Saddle Creek and are basically on the "glorified drop shipper" package
Given that Pauly was let go i think prior to these shipping, it's very likely that Saddle Creek also didn't know what to do with the taped together copies and cut them when they didn't hear anything back from Pauly hah. Or whoever they had contact with told them to split them up, not knowing why they were taped together in the first place.
I'm no longer a member, but I had some store credit left and was tempted to try to use it before the ship is completely submerged. I signed up for a month yesterday during swaps, placed an order through the store to use up my credit, and then canceled my membership so that I wouldn't be charged. It seems to have worked; I wasn't charged immediately for the membership, and when I log in, I'm asked to join the club.

Oh, and the best part, I got a shipping notice for the Sun Ra LP I ordered this morning. That's the fasted shipping I've had in months!

All that is to say, if you're a former member who's sitting on store credit but didn't really want to pay the exorbitant shipping charge or the higher nonmember prices, you might consider trying that approach--rejoin, use up credit on a store order, and cancel immediately afterward.
I'm no longer a member, but I had some store credit left and was tempted to try to use it before the ship is completely submerged. I signed up for a month yesterday during swaps, placed an order through the store to use up my credit, and then canceled my membership so that I wouldn't be charged. It seems to have worked; I wasn't charged immediately for the membership, and when I log in, I'm asked to join the club.

Oh, and the best part, I got a shipping notice for the Sun Ra LP I ordered this morning. That's the fasted shipping I've had in months!

All that is to say, if you're a former member who's sitting on store credit but didn't really want to pay the exorbitant shipping charge or the higher nonmember prices, you might consider trying that approach--rejoin, use up credit on a store order, and cancel immediately afterward.
Did you email to cancel? Or were you able to on the membership page?
Did you email to cancel? Or were you able to on the membership page?
You can cancel in your account without emailing. I don't remember exactly what the options are, and I'm not going to sign up again to redo it, but they're on the left side of the screen on your account page where you can see your upcoming record. I think it may be "edit" next to "Membership." Clicking that button allows you to change your membership length or (using a button near the bottom of the window) cancel.

You're only able to edit your membership for the current month while swaps are open. If you join after the swap window passes, you're billed instantly (or at least that's how it used to work). But while swaps are open, you're signing up for next month, and they don't bill you until the first of the month--though they go ahead and give you the membership benefits of member pricing and bundled shipping.