Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Ok, well that makes me have a very very very small amount of sympathy. Now riddle me this if you will - is this something they could have resolved before taking the store live, or is this just kind of how it is? Secondly, does allowing purchases and changes to active accounts further complicate things? I'd imagine they need to update both systems at the same time until things are all on one system?
yes, they completely half-assed that part of it. traditionally the cutover would involve bringing both systems down until the new one is ready to go-live but they seem to be a little more "fly by the seat of their pants" than the projects I work on...
What I don't get is why wouldn't they just do it in parallel and lock the new store. Work out all of the issues that are immediately apparent and then make the swap. I don't see why they would stop using the old store before that happened.

Or why they didn't save up so many highly anticipated "exclusives" to have them drop precisely while they're in the middle of the migration?

It's like they're trying to make it as difficult for themselves and frustrating for their customers as possible.
Ok, well that makes me have a very very very small amount of sympathy. Now riddle me this if you will - is this something they could have resolved before taking the store live, or is this just kind of how it is? Secondly, does allowing purchases and changes to active accounts further complicate things? I'd imagine they need to update both systems at the same time until things are all on one system?

My thoughts too - especially if what i read is correct and some found stock drops in and disappears - vinyl people may have had on their wishlist for a long time but couldn't buy given accounts have not migrated yet. Thats really shitty IMHO, full on we don't give a shit thinking. They didn't have to drop that found stock into a shitshow.
So advertised shipping in March, actual shipping in December 2020 after Christmas? 5 other variants get released in two weeks from now and all ship on time? That would line up with their current practices right?
yes, they completely half-assed that part of it. traditionally the cutover would involve bringing both systems down until the new one is ready to go-live but they seem to be a little more "fly by the seat of their pants" than the projects I work on...
They really fly by the seat of their pants on everything... except pushing FOMO.
Positivity/Optimistic = more attractive/sexiness

Negativity/Pessimistic = less attractive/ugly

You don’t want to be ugly Murfocakes, do you? 🤔🙅‍♂️🐀

Pessimism can be seen as realism. Not my words but @Skalap and we all know he is the most handsome member of the N&G fraternity.

I could do with being more ugly. People keep thinking of me as just a body. I’ve got a mind too you know! This song sums up my feelings
