Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

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Having real people work for your company is quite a selling point. The record store I work for is staffed entirely by Terminators, Hologram versions of Roy Orbison & Buddy Holly and Pinocchio. Imagine having real people work for you? Amazing!

Curated and pressed with care by real people*

*VMP’s contractual obligation does not include our term “people” to be precluded with an adjective. These are just plain old regular people. Morals and/or integrity are not to be assumed.
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The decision to streamline the company’s communication by changing to yoghurt pots with string is certainly bold. All you negative Nancy’s need to lighten up. Think of all the wonderful records you’ll get😸😼🤠

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Act now with a special offer that we will only have available for one week before giving all of our social media influencers access to give you the same offer! We can’t guarantee that these albums will stick around for long before coming back only to go away and come back again.
I can’t wait to get the Idler Wheel by Fiona Apple 🍏 🍎 🤭🕺🐹

The wait to see what kind of damage it will have will make the pressing even more limited and exciting 🐷🦊🍡🧘‍♀️

And the wait for the record to arrive after the general release has already come out will only make me want it more 🎱🌡🇹🇳🎀

I just hope the website continues to not recognise members, it will make ordering more exciting, like playing Russian roulette or crossing a road blindfolded 😷😱🥳🐒🐴

Trying to get into a positive mode here like @NathanRicaud but I can’t, I can’t.... I’m going to leave the positivity to you and concentrate on cynicism and being cranky.
I can’t wait to get the Idler Wheel by Fiona Apple 🍏 🍎 🤭🕺🐹

The wait to see what kind of damage it will have will make the pressing even more limited and exciting 🐷🦊🍡🧘‍♀️

And the wait for the record to arrive after the general release has already come out will only make me want it more 🎱🌡🇹🇳🎀

I just hope the website continues to not recognise members, it will make ordering more exciting, like playing Russian roulette or crossing a road blindfolded 😷😱🥳🐒🐴

Trying to get into a positive mode here like @NathanRicaud but I can’t, I can’t.... I’m going to leave the positivity to you and concentrate on cynicism and being cranky.

We need @NathanRicaud's positivity now more than ever.
I can’t wait to get the Idler Wheel by Fiona Apple 🍏 🍎 🤭🕺🐹

And the wait for the record to arrive after the general release has already come out will only make me want it more 🎱🌡🇹🇳🎀

Do we know if Idler Wheel will have a general release, or is this speculation? I'll 100% go for a general release if there is. I'm still a member, but it's incredible how my VMP purchasing has diminished post forum dissolution, but more importantly, post these ridiculous price hikes.
Do we know if Idler Wheel will have a general release, or is this speculation? I'll 100% go for a general release if there is. I'm still a member, but it's incredible how my VMP purchasing has diminished post forum dissolution, but more importantly, post these ridiculous price hikes.
Speculation but the few minutes it was viewable on the new store page they used similar weasel language as when they announced QOTSA - exclusive pressing instead of exclusive reissue etc
I can’t wait to get the Idler Wheel by Fiona Apple 🍏 🍎 🤭🕺🐹

The wait to see what kind of damage it will have will make the pressing even more limited and exciting 🐷🦊🍡🧘‍♀️

And the wait for the record to arrive after the general release has already come out will only make me want it more 🎱🌡🇹🇳🎀

I just hope the website continues to not recognise members, it will make ordering more exciting, like playing Russian roulette or crossing a road blindfolded 😷😱🥳🐒🐴

Trying to get into a positive mode here like @NathanRicaud but I can’t, I can’t.... I’m going to leave the positivity to you and concentrate on cynicism and being cranky.
Positivity/Optimistic = more attractive/sexiness

Negativity/Pessimistic = less attractive/ugly

You don’t want to be ugly Murfocakes, do you? 🤔🙅‍♂️🐀
I can’t wait to get the Idler Wheel by Fiona Apple 🍏 🍎 🤭🕺🐹

The wait to see what kind of damage it will have will make the pressing even more limited and exciting 🐷🦊🍡🧘‍♀️

And the wait for the record to arrive after the general release has already come out will only make me want it more 🎱🌡🇹🇳🎀

I just hope the website continues to not recognise members, it will make ordering more exciting, like playing Russian roulette or crossing a road blindfolded 😷😱🥳🐒🐴
I genuinely thought this was Nathan for longer than I'm willing to admit.