Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

You think the warehouse in North Carolina that is a contractor for voldemort is in any way similar to working in the offices in Colorado? I don't at all. But I appreciate your positive viewpoint! It's snapping me out of my funk.

Even if it's not, I would think they would let them listen to music. I also worked at UPS when I was younger (Ive had alot of different jobs) and the only good part was being able to listen to music through the long holiday shifts.
It's a Boxing Day miracle! I finally have a tracking number for all my records! Well except Blossom Dearie, the one I kind of was the most excited about, but I'm not at all surprised I'm probably not getting it! No email about it shipping and the tracking number isn't working but progress?
Same here, though should be just Aretha. But still no email about it and a weird tracking number that doesn't look like a tracking number.
Even if it's not, I would think they would let them listen to music. I also worked at UPS when I was younger (Ive had alot of different jobs) and the only good part was being able to listen to music through the long holiday shifts.

Oh good gosh, yes. If I wasn't able to listen to music while working, I'd rage. But I provide my own music and listen to it through headphones. It isn't an environment where we have music piped out for all to enjoy, chosen by someone with good taste. I very much hope that at the very least, the people at saddle creek are allowed to listen to music on headphones.
Oh good gosh, yes. If I wasn't able to listen to music while working, I'd rage. But I provide my own music and listen to it through headphones. It isn't an environment where we have music piped out for all to enjoy, chosen by someone with good taste. I very much hope that at the very least, the people at saddle creek are allowed to listen to music on headphones.
My shitty warehouse jobs were in giant warehouses, one was auto parts and the other was office equipment. Because of how loud it was you had to wear ear plugs, but also constantly watching out for forklifts run by 'roid ragers who did not give a fuck if they hit you.
Oh good gosh, yes. If I wasn't able to listen to music while working, I'd rage. But I provide my own music and listen to it through headphones. It isn't an environment where we have music piped out for all to enjoy, chosen by someone with good taste. I very much hope that at the very least, the people at saddle creek are allowed to listen to music on headphones.
Unfortunately, most wearhouses/manufacturing facilities don't let you listen to headphones because of safety risks, like being run over by a forklift or something similar.
My shitty warehouse jobs were in giant warehouses, one was auto parts and the other was office equipment. Because of how loud it was you had to wear ear plugs, but also constantly watching out for forklifts run by 'roid ragers who did not give a fuck if they hit you.
i work in a warehouse thats 80 percent blind workers. I have to drive that forklift very cautiously you can easily kill somebody on that thing if you’re not careful
One of the many little annoyances from VMP that got lost in their tsunami of fuckups over the last month was that they didn’t make Tidal a swaption for December. I was hoping they’d fix that this month but oh well.
Yeah same here, I wanted to swap for it last month and I had every chance to buy it for 40 bucks but I wanted it for 23. Took a gamble and lost. Now if I really want it gotta pay 45 on Discogs I guess.
Well I've now got tracking on everything but Pinata and Comet. So hopefully they're included in there somewhere. Also I've been going back and forth on the Fiona's so I guess the universe decided for me. Didn't see either of them ever get to low stock? Is low only under 10 copies now?