When I got home from work today, I noticed a car in my driveway I didn't recognize.
It was a friend of my wife! With her six-month-old baby (a month younger than my son)! She informed me there was a present for me the kitchen counter to check out.
Now, keep in mind, I told her about VMP a while back, circa Arctic Monkeys.
On my kitchen counter was a VMP copy of Dirty Projectors Bitte Orca. Which I am waiting on and still have not received notification about. She already received TWO. And this is after not receiving QOTSA, but got an extra Aretha for not getting QOTSA for some reason?
Our conversation devolved about what's been happening and I pulled up this exact thread.
Long story short, I expect to see her on these forums REAL soon.
And we have two theories about what is happening with all these people receiving massive boxes of shit they didn't order. In short:
1. Tax fraud (my theory).
2. Someone in the warehouse is either deliberately sabotaging the company or is being told to do this for some unknown reason (her theory).