Well-Known Member
Do check out the Tower. There are few places in modern capital cities where such well preserved millennia old buildings still exist and it is special. From there walk over Tower Bridge to the south side and walk westward along the river past City Hall, take in the vast size of HMS Belfast moored on the river, then the Golden Hinde that's dry docked by Southwark Cathedral and straight into Borough Market where you'll find some of the best food in the city, both produce and ready to eat. Continue along the Southbank where there's often great buskers (I first heard Portico Quartet there when they were just Portico playing for pennies), a cool young and arty vibe exists down there, from skateboarding gangs and graffiti littered tunnels to the Tate Modern which is itself a stunning modern architectural treat even if you don't like the art within. Do remember though, all London Museums are free to enter (you only pay entry to special exhibitions) so even if you stay 10 minutes and figure it's not for you, you've lost nothing other than those 10 minutes and you may just find yourself breathtaken by a Picasso, a Kandinsky or a Rothko.
We might need a London appreciation thread. I haven't been to London in 9 years but I remember thinking Spitalfields was a cool neighborhood to walk around and explore - lots of markets and food.
Yeah, Borough Market is wonderful. I would cross the river on that cool footbridge from the Tate Modern to St. Paul's Cathedral, too! Such a beautiful, truly iconic, building, and it's fun to climb to the top of the dome.
It's also really cool to check out any used bookstores in London. I was blown away at how easy/inexpensive it is to pick up little pocket-sized, century-old hardcover versions of classic novels. Great for souvenirs, or gifts for others!
Also you have to go dancing at night! British people are so fun to drink and dance with, and - I say this with love - they are so excited to dance with anyone who's not British, and they treat you like you are the greatest dancer in the world with all the best dance moves. It's the only place in the world where someone has told me, without a trace of irony, that I was "killing it" on the dance floor hahaha. To be fair (and to stereotype), part of this probably has to do with how much they drink, but it's always a good time. [If you go dancing though, go anywhere but Zoo Bar in Covent Garden, as the bouncers are just insanely aggressive and rude - I'd say more, but this post is already long enough.]
But if I can be really real for a second, no trip to London is complete without a visit to a Marks and Spencer's M&S grocery store and some Phizzy Pig Tails. HOLY BUCKETS! Your tastebuds will dance, and you will never be the same. I knew I had a problem when a friend and her parents were taking their first ever trip to London and they felt the need to e-mail me shortly after they arrived to reassure me that, before doing anything else in the city, they'd picked up 8 bags to bring back in their luggage for me.

I'm excited for you, Nathan! You will have so much fun!