Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Any thoughts on the VMP pressing of The Doors?
I personally prefer the stereo mix and will probably pick that up in addition to VMP’s version eventually. But it’s not a bad pressing. It’s never been an especially good sounding record, but I think the mono mix they did is interesting and adds a little more grit to it.
Any member that can get this for me, I’d be indebted to you for the kind favor. Have money and/or hundreds of potential swaps.

I just got shipping notification for Saba - and while I'm happy it's on its way I really need VMP to know that I'm okay waiting an extra week for ROTM bundled shipping if it helps mitigate costs...

Honestly I don't even know why they include that bundled shipping option if they're just going to YOLO ship everything.
I wonder how limited these will be? I really want a copy of Low End Theory and Hawk Flies High but I’m not in a sub at the moment and with the awful USD/GBP rate it’s not a great time to be re-subbing just to get these.
i believe storf said on discord that the stock on all these TBTs this week fluctuates from 13 to 300 copies. i'm guessing some of the former ROTMs are the higher number. i'm gonna try to grab low end theory. none of these are represses--just leftover stock.