Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Fleetwood Mac is back in stock it seems

Sale will go live today (forget when)
Fleetwood Mac is back in stock it seems

Sale will go live today (forget when)

Today (you just said)
If you got an add-on with this month's ROTM, they're sending you a free random record. Check your orders page, that free record is probably listed there now.

I ended up with Sleater-Kinney's The Center Won't Hold. Price is Right fail horns

I got taking back Sunday which I already have. I guess having a system to make sure it's something new to me is too much to ask? Like I'd rather get nothing free over something I own already.
If anyone who isn't a member is itching to take advantage of that sale there's this:

pardon my ignorance as a non-member of two months, but what are the supposed "stackable discounts" with this sale on highly desirable titles?
who said highly desirable titles?

supposedly they are gonna do a "buy x get x% off" in addition to the sale prices. the sale is not live yet though. they said they will send an email out when the sale is live. no shock but theres a pricing bug already hah
just juju and tennis!