Yea--I dislike this kind of pricing comparison. If it's just a color-way but same cut with huge price difference (which lord knows VMP used to do and still does), that's one thing. But comparing the VBR to the VMP on Sun Ra is night and day difference. Many times, I would rather buy a $40 record that sounds awesome than 2 $20 albums that are meh sounding. Those VMP Spiritual Jazz records are absolutely killer.
@wmeugene said, it's a shame if they go under because it's one less quality reissue label out there. 9/10 times on their exclusives, the records sounded awesome. Cutting corners with pressing plants and stuff probably cost them more money in the long run with returns and bad QC.
Shame that Clay go let go, but not a total shock given the fact that they aren't doing anthologies anymore, are barely doing new ROTMs and only are really doing the magazine. Probably not enough work to justify a full time employee to do it.
Fuck project willy wonka.