Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here

I MISSED YOUUUUU TOOOO. i have missed everyone. i am back. but i’m still at work and working a lot and also life is still a mess but i’m okayish! still have to refinish my floors. i still haven’t unpacked my records since moving last november. like. that’s how cool my life has been, i haven’t unpacked anything. mostly living out of a couple duffle bags.

Glad to see you back kid.
Hey y'all, my username on VMP was KaylaV, never got around to getting it updated and was mostly a lurker the past year and a half except in the past month or so when I was hanging around in the RSD and preorder thread. Looking forward to being more active and happy to see some many faces.

Thank you for everyone that made this possible!!!
Oh, bans are still on the table. And the sexual come ons are still not welcome here. We’re going to build a safe space. Rules and guidelines still to come.