Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here

I didn't want to do this - but I fear I must.

Having a big BLT, loaded with mayo, and a big bag of chips.....and I sneak into your turntable room.....and without washing my hands, remove the dustcover, flip the record and even 'test' the stylus with greasy, dripping fingers.

Oh - the HORROR!
This could probably make @EvanBenner ’s 2 sentence horror book tbh
I thought this was the best group ever when we discussed the Darlington Labs' phono stages. But now that I see the totally deranged senses of humor, replies out of 'One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest,' and the overall Bill Murray attitude, now I know for sure.

Best group of all time!
This is primarily a record collecting forum for Lumberjacks, Canadians and/or Glue Sniffers.
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'afternoon all....found this place whilst looking into possibly purchasing an ultrasonic cleaner. Relatively helpful info here and of course, with so much here, did some looking around and well - some very nice reading elsewhere so figured i would register and just say hello as i continue to do so. First vinyl records were gifted to me as a kid - Santana: Abraxas & Beatles : Hard Days Night - still have them both. First bought?...past 45's - probably ELP: BSS (still have)...a guess, as really could have been a half dozen others. Packed it all up in the early 90's (equipment failing, needed space and so on)...rebuilt system for house about 6 years ago. Over 50+ years many albums lost, sold, thrown out - some kept, and some regrets - now, just having fun.
Welcome 🙏